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jeonphotos have you ever had the feeling you're drawn to someone?

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whenjun oh my gosh wait (゜Д゜;) wonwoo likes someone that's not me? I really hope he doesn't I don't want to lose the bet Σ(TωT)
     | kwonhoranghae get ready to pay up junnie #Itoldyouso

angelhan wonwoo sweetie you can't just drop a bomb like this and expect me not to be all up in your business, dm me with the details.
     | jeonphotos and let a snake like you know my deepest darkest secrets? you must take me for a fool yoon jeonghan

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jejuboo commented on your post: "oh damn what's going on? I'm gone for a few chapters and wonwoo is suddenly in love?"

joshua12345 commented on your post: "okay but what do you do when you find yourself drawn to two people you're really close to??"

coolguygyu commented on your post: "actually yeah, I get that feeling all the time,,,,,"

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