Chapter 8

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Konoha International Airport was bustling with activity on a common Monday morning. The people were rushing past in a frenzied hurry; passengers and staff alike. Some chatted amiably, some inquired the staff, others were bidding farewell to their loved ones and amongst the sea of absolute chaos, stood an individual devoid of emotions.

There was no trace of happiness or sorrow in those emerald eyes, nor the relief or contentment which they seeked so desperately; All left was there a pair of hollow green eyes, their lack of emotions haunting the individual and their companion incessantly.

"Sakura?" Their companion called out gently, "I'm going to look for Shikamaru. Can you wait for me here?"

Sakura nodded.

Temari gave a tender smile before leaving the girl alone. Sakura didn't mind, She was rather relieved to be left alone for a while, away from the probing stares of worry and sympathy. As she spaced off, her memory lane took her back to the last time she came to the airport - with Sai. It had only been two weeks and yet it feels like an eternity has passed since then. She had been leaving for Sunagakure, just like now and yet, the situations are so different, so at odds with each other.

Fate has stringed her life in the most tragic of ways - an accursed jewel, precious and destructive, binding her within the neverending cage of misery and torment.

"You don't have to leave, Sakura. We are your family." Her sister had assured many times. Sakura didn't believe her once. For she had been deceived time and time again by those whom she referred to as family. Her mother had rejected her, Her brothers had severed all contact with her and her husband - the man she trusted and loved more than words can account for - that man had betrayed her in the worst imaginable way.

Family, they say.

Do they still expect her to have faith in a word so doomed, so deceptive?

Or maybe, It was she who had been at fault; a fiasco who continued to fail every single relationship, trusting too much and expecting so little.

Emotions conflicted and her mind and heart at war, she has chosen the only way out. To leave and start over.

Or at least try to do so.

"Are you sure you don't want to take over his business?" Temari had asked hesitantly.

"No.. I.. I'll talk with Uncle Rasa about the.. debt." She had replied, unsure yet resolved.

Her lips tilted into a frown as her gloomy features contorted into a distressed countenance. She was still very much unsure, about the past and the future; trying to weave her way out of this neverending hoard of questions.

The Night Before

"Sakura? There is someone who wants to see you."

Apple green eyes lifted behind a stash of luscious heavy lashes to regard her sister with a puzzled look. She had not been expecting anyone.

"Don't." Temari halted her declination before it emerged and Sakura clamoured her mouth shut in response, "You should meet them."

Slapping her novel shut in sheer vexation, the pinkette stood up, dusting her clothes and fixing her shameful mess of rosy hair. As she moved past Temari, her gaze flickered to the mirror sitting in far corner of the room. A dull, pale face, supporting red rimmed eyes and haunting dark circles stared back at her. In that fleeting moment, Sakura felt pity for the girl that stared back at her.

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