Novios por siempre/Boyfriends until the end

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-Gou, pregunta, a que piensas evolucionar a tu Applin? Yo pienso evolucionarlo a Flapple.

-Creo que a Appletun, es tierno, además vi que sus formas Dinamax son las mismas!

-En serio? Que genial!

-Lo se Ash, oye, tu, m-me amas-s?

-Pues claro que si, no se que haría sin ti, mi amor.

-Ash... gracias, me has enseñado tantas cosas en este camino, creo que he cambiado gracias a ti.

-No hay de que, Gou.

Acto seguido, Ash me besó de nuevo aunque la gente nos viera, no me importaba ni a el lo que pensaban de nosotros, solo importaba lo que ocurrió en ese momento. Y agarrados de la mano regresamos a Kanto, le contamos de todo al profesor Cerise y nos fuimos a dormir, esta vez no pude dormir, tenía pesadillas y además seguía procesando lo que hice hoy, en eso Ash me dice:

-Gou, no puedes dormir verdad?

-Ash, no te preocupes por ello.

-Como no he de preocuparme, si eres mi novio.

Acto seguido, Ash se acuesta en mi cama y me besa la frente, me abraza y dice:

-Veamos si ya no tienes pesadillas.

-Gracias Ash.

Procedo a besarlo y abrazarlo, me quedo dormido y al día siguiente mi alarma suena, Chloe viene a despertarnos pero nos ve en nuestra posición, y solo escuche que me dijo con una sonrisa.

-Felicidades Gou, yo sabía que traían algo de química entre ustedes.

-Chloe yo...

-Tu nada, ya no te molesto mas.

-Puedes no decirle esto a nadie?

-Confía en mi.

Ella salió del cuarto y pude realizar, que soy la persona más afortunada del mundo por tener amigos, un mentor y mi novio, el cual me acompañará en esta travesía, y ese es nada menos que Ash.

-Gou, question, what do you plan to evolve your Applin into? I plan to evolve it to Flapple.

-I think Appletun, he's cute, besides I saw that the Dynamax forms are the same!

-Really? That's great!

-I know, Ash. Hey, do you, uh-do you love me-

-Of course I do, I don't know what I'd do without you, my love.

-Ash... -Thank you, you've taught me so many things on this path, I think I've changed because of you.

-You're welcome, Gou.

Then, Ash kissed me again even if people saw us, I did not care what they thought of us, only what happened at that time. And holding hands we went back to Kanto, we told Professor Cerise everything and went to sleep, this time I couldn't sleep, I had nightmares and I was still processing what I had done today,that's when Ash tells me:

-Gou, you can't sleep, right?

-Ash, don't worry about it.

-Like I don't have to worry about it, if you're my boyfriend.

Then Ash lies down on my bed and kisses my forehead, hugs me and says:

-Let's see if you're not having nightmares anymore.

-Thank you, Ash.

I proceed to kiss him and hug him, I fall asleep and the next day my alarm sounds, Chloe comes to wake us up but sees us in our position, and I just heard her tell me with a smile.

-Congratulations Gou, I knew you guys had some chemistry between you.

-Chloe I...

-You nothing, I'm not bothering you anymore.

-Can you not tell anyone about this? -I'm not.

-Trust me.

She left the room and I was able to realize, that I am the luckiest person in the world to have friends, a mentor and my boyfriend, who will be joining me on this journey, and that is none other than Ash.

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