Aterrizamos a Wyndon y abordamos el tren al Área Silvestre, yo seguía viendo cosas y datos sobre Applin, Ash estaba dormido como siempre, creo que no durmió lo suficiente ayer, es algo extraño, no se porque nunca se levanta, en fin, llegamos, Pikachu hace lo suyo y salimos al Área Silvestre, era igual de bonita que antes, fuimos a ver varios Pokémon con ansias de ver un Pokémon Dinamax y pudimos ver un Appletun Dinamaxeado, supe que era la evolución de Applin y seguía pensando en lo que iba a hacer cuando el día acabe, terminamos y fuimos al lugar donde pasaríamos la noche, al menos Ash.
We landed at Wyndon and boarded the train to the Wild Area, I kept seeing things and data about Applin, Ash was asleep as always, I think he didn't sleep enough yesterday, it's a strange thing, I don't know why he never gets up, anyway, we arrived, Pikachu does his thing and we go out to the Wild Area, it was just as beautiful as before, we went to see several Pokémon eager to see a Dynamaxed Pokemon and we could see a Dynamax Appletun, I knew it was the evolution of Applin and I kept thinking about what I was going to do when the day was over, we finished and went to the place where we would spend the night, at least Ash.
El Pokémon Corazón Manzana/The Apple Core Pokemon
FanfictionVi en el internet que si le das un Applin a una persona estarán juntos por siempre, quiero intentar y comprobarlo, para la investigación del profesor Cerise y por mis dudas sobre lo que siento por el... / I saw on the internet that if you give an A...