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If you don't understand what is going on, then go read the previous chapter!

The amount of signatures needed to make a petition legal is 150 signatures.

We currently have 123 signatures! This means we only need 27 more signatures to make this petition legal. ( Petition in my bio).

  We enjoy the 1st Amendment Right to be able to petition our Government ( in this case app ). A petition needs 150 signatures before it is publicly searchable on the "We The People" platform, meaning the link is required to get to the petition for the first 150 signatures. This is a chance to make a big difference.

So please vote on this chapter and tag as many people as you can to help! Give a shoutout if you want to. Or boost this by starting a random chat in the comment section.

   Thanks for Tagging people and caring about Wattpad stories. If you don't understand what is going on reading the previous chapter.

Signing off January 27, 2021.

READ THIS VeRy Important ?!?!?! : Wattpad petition.Where stories live. Discover now