chapter 23

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George was standing there, a smirk upon his face, a machine gun in both of his hands. He aimed the machine gun and fired at Joe. Joe dived to the right, the bullet scraping against the car sending a volley of sparks flying. Tom turned his attention away from the zombies momentarily, seeing the new spectacle right before his eyes. He saw three of the men advance forward, firing their weapons, the sounds of renewed gunfire interrupting the sudden silence. Joe now turned his attention on the new target, firing his pistol. He shot one of the men, sending them whirling in a spiral of blood that wrapped around the man like a crimson red scarf. He fired some more.

The men scattered.

George crouched behind a building, whipping around every now and then spraying the general area with bullet. Joe was behind the empty shell of a car. He checked the ammunition in his pistol and found it to be almost empty. Bullet scraped the metal of the car. Sparks flew.

Joe whipped around and pulled the trigger, downing two men, the bullets having ripped into their throats, hot blood pumping from the ragged hole. They died instantly. Tom pivoted around and killed a couple more of the zombies that had been advancing toward him. He lopped off a couple heads and stabbed a couple through the throat, but yet they just kept coming, blood pouring down their wounded bodies as they fell to the ground in heaps of rotting flesh. Joe fired the last shot into a man and threw his pistol away. He saw George grin with delight.

Joe picked up another grenade in his pocket, pulled the pin, and hurled it over his head, sending it flying into a building. It clattered to the ground. Screams were heard. A fireball ripped through open hole where a window had once been and a couple of men tried jumping out—tried—but they were trapped in the flames. Burning heaps of flesh. George's smile turned to somewhat of a frown as he stayed pinned behind a building, waiting for the ripe moment where he would pivot around, shoot, and eventually kill Joe and the rest of his friends—the moment in time when he would finally be the one to succeed in life.

He whirled around and aimed the machine gun. Bullets whistled over Joe's head as he ducked behind the car, the bullets slamming into the metal, creating small, burn, pock marks that littered the complete other side of the car. Joe heard a screaming and he turned his head to see Carl shooting a couple of the advancing zombies. They had started coming forward quicker once they heard the explosion, as well as when they smelled the blood of the men who had been shot. Tom was having a tough time containing them; he was jumping up and down and back and forth, weaving through the masses of bodies, stabbing forward, tossing them aside, but that still didn't help as more and more advanced, hearing the sounds of gunfire illuminating through the distance as well as smelling the blood of the dead and dying.

Joe slammed another clip into his gun and pulled the trigger, bullets slamming into the heads of zombies, causing them to explode.

Carl was pinned down behind a pillar of stone, watching fearfully as more zombies advanced toward him, arms outstretched, getting and closer and closer—he didn't know if he could take on these things much longer—

Joe fired his pistol and killed a few of the zombies as they got closer to Carl, but more kept forming, so it was almost impossible to kill them and keep them dead. Tom stabbed a zombie in the back, breaking its spine, and he then proceeded to cut the things head off, blood squirting from the stump of its neck.

Suddenly Tom let out a yelp.

Three men had converged on his position and were now firing an endless barrage of bullets his way. He dived behind a building, screaming.

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