The Nephilim and the Emperor part 3

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They came from the sea

Erik, Ullr, Pleistarchus, Jormungandr, Empress Theodora and Emperor Justinian were all underneath the Hagia Sophia.
They went to a secret vault that Emperor Justinian had made, within the vault was Ohrmazd's Egg.
The Egg was the size of a watermelon, there was a blue and calming glow coming from the Egg, it was almost as if the seven seas were inside the Egg.
" My Emperor, how did you get this Egg? " said Ullr.
" One day, a fishermen came to the palace with this Egg, the fishermen said that he found it near the port, I did not know what it was, so I decided to hide it " said Emperor Justinian.
" So this is what she is after..... " said Erik.
Empress Theodora looked at Erik, who had a concerned look on his face.
" None of you told me that a cat had joined your family " said Empress Theodora.
" Yeah, he is a very unique cat.... " said Pleistarchus.
" Meow " said Jormungandr.

Later at Ullr's chamber.
" So, what do we do now? " said Pleistarchus.
" Rán is after the Egg, for what purpose remains the question " said Jormungandr.
" Ares, Roma do you guys know anything? " said Erik.
" Nope " said Ares.
" Sorry " said Roma.
" We just have to be ready, for whatever she might do next " said Ullr.
" I am afraid that it is going to be sooner than later " said Jormungandr as all the hairs on his body stood up.
Belisarius now came running into the room.
" We got trouble.... "

Before Belisarius had come with troubling news.
From the mediterranean sea, come the Marmennill and Margygur.
These sea people, under the command of Rán, came marching on the port of Constantinople, killing everyone in sight.

At the palace of the Emperor and Empress had now gathered Erik, Ullr, Pleistarchus, Jormungandr and Belisarius.
" Belisarius, what do you have to report? " said Emperor Justinian.
" Sire, the sea creatures number in the thousands and are heading for the Hagia Sophia " said Belisarius.
" Why is she just sending a small potion of her army.... " said Jormungandr to himself.
" What do you advice, my great general " said Emperor Justinian.
" I will gather as many men as I can and push back the invaders " said Belisarius.
" I see, you have my blessing, now make it so " said Emperor Justinian.
Belisarius bowed and left to gather his men.
" And what will you three do? " said Empress Theodora.
" We will go to the Hagia Sophia and make our stand " said Ullr.
" I see, then please be careful " said the Empress.
" Don't worry, and I promise, when this is over, I will take a week off from training " said Pleistarchus.
The Empress smiled at those words.
Erik, Ullr, Pleistarchus along with Jormungandr, now headed for the Hagia Sophia.

At the Hagia Sophia.
The Marmennill and Margygur were closing in, but thanks to Belisarius, who, alongside his men, were pushing The Marmennill and Margygur back.
The streets of Constantinople were starting to get bloody.
" Men! I know that things are starting to look bloody, but we stand here to protect our families and Holy city, so we can not effort to lose! " yelled Belisarius to his men.
Belisarius' men felt the weight of their cities and families on their shoulders, and it was that weight that helped them push the Marmennill and Margygur further back.
At the gates to the Hagia Sophia stood Erik, Ullr and Pleistarchus with their weapons in hand.
Jormungandr was staring off into space.
" What is the matter? " said Ullr.
" I can't shake the feeling that we are overlooking something.... " said Jormungandr worried.
" Don't worry, none of them will get passed us! " said
Pleistarchus, but Jormungandr was still worried.
Erik was about to call for Areadbhar, but that was when he noticed the water from his wet clothes, like his socks and shirt, started to go towards the Hagia Sophia.
Erik felt a wave of dread come over him as he realized what he had done.
Erik now ran towards the vault, and his friends just looked on, confused.
Erik finally reached the vault and saw what he had feared, Rán was holding Ohrmazd's Egg.
" I must thank you, thanks to the water I left on you, I was able to enter the vault without any trouble. How does it feel to have been my little Trojan horse " said Rán with a smile.
Erik's mind was completely blank, all he felt was shame and regret, Erik then said " Areadbhar! "
" Idiot " said Rán.
Rán had already transformed herself, alone with Ohrmazd's Egg into water, the Egg and Rán were now gone.
Erik now also realized what Rán meant by calling him an Idiot, which is why he had stopped Areadbhar from coming any closer to the Hagia Sophia with the force of a meteor.
Areadbhar flew from the stratosphere back into space as Ullr, Pleistarchus and Jormungandr came running into the vault seeing Erik crying on his hands and knees saying only " I am sorry...."

All the The Marmennill and Margygur were slayen, along with some of Belisarius' men.
Ohrmazd's Egg was gone and Constantinople was in ruins, but it was now time for the Emperor and Empress to do what they did best, and that was to take care of their people and rebuild their city.
Erik made a promise that day, he promised that we would get stronger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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