Chapter 2 On our way

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As i pulled up to the house i see my dad an mom with smile's on there face'es. Ready to go kido. Yea i guess so how long the ride any way. "The ride is 1 day. "Great" a hole day in the car with you guy's dad do you have anything that can kncok me out. Is it that bad for you to ride in the car with us. "YES" i mean you guy's sing every single song that play's on the radio. Its like im in jail on the road. I hear my laught. I let out a low growl showing my small anger. I put my head phone's in trying to zone them out. Next thing i know i was sleep in the car. My mom woke me for a rest room stop i got out the car an headed to the rest room. When i was done i went to check on my car. But when i was walking to my car something caught my eye by the woods it was a pear of glowing blue eye's they where just looking at me. "C'mon sweetheart we still have a 3 hour ride. "Comeing dad. Running to the car i jumped in an put my seat bealt on. Hey dad i seen something back there but i don't no what it was. " Well it's be hind us now. I put my headphones back in my song was playing an i jamed singing in the car loud like i was in the car by myself. I look up to see my mom an dad looking at me like i was crazy i stopped an looked at them with the WHAT face. "Honey i did'nt no you could sing like that. My face went a small amount of red an i looked out the window like nuthing ever happened. "So why have'nt told us that you sing like that Cake. Me being me i shrugged my sholder's an said i don't no it just came to me. That was all i can come up with an looked back out the window can't see anything because it was dark. When are we going to get there im sleepy dad. "We still have an hour in a half sweedy. Rolling my eye;s i looked back out the window my eye's slowly closeing an sleep took me away. I was a wakened by my mom telling me that we are here i looked out the window there was woods all around us i smiled at what i seen. Jumpping out the car the sweet smell of tree's an something eles not sure what but it smelled good. Walking to the house it was bigger then ever i went to find my room when i found it it was wounderful an it was painted blue i love blue an my dad an mom no's this. I had a roof to floor window a walk in room my own bathroom in my room an one wall with a BIG moon on it. I feel in love with it. " You like it. I jumped an truned to see mom an dad in the door way smlieing. " Yes i love it very big. Im going to go get my thing's from the van. Then i ran out the door. "About 2 hour's later i was done with my room laying down on my bed i let sleep take me away.

When i got up the next morning mom an dad was still sleep. So went down the step's made it to the kitchen i got me some juice an a dounut. "When i was done i thought that i should go drive around to see the town a little more. As i made my way to my car i unlocked it an jumped in but befor i could pull off i see my parents coming outta the wood's in there wolf form my dad was a gry an black wolf he was big an my mom is a black an with wolf. God i cant wait tell get my wolf i thought to myself. Jummping back outta the car my mom an dad shifted back. "Hey sweetheart were are you off to?. My dad asked me. "Oh just out to look at the new town i'll be back latter love you guy's. BE SAFE was the last word;s my dad said to me befor i got back in my car an pulled off. "My song was on i sang to it while i was driveing. I pulled over an got some gas. As i walked into the store i was greted by a girl abot my age she had long black heair an gry eye's i was a little shorter then she was. "Hi may i help you she saked. Looking up with a smile an said can i get $50 on pump #3. "Suer she said. I've never seen around here befor where are you from. Ohio i said with a smile. "I'm Sam but peple call me Sammy. I'm Cake but people just call me Cake i laughted. "So where did you move to? "Up on Howard off of LinWay i said. My eye'swidein when she scaremed. "You stay right down the road from me mabe we can hang out sometime. "Suer". Whats your number she gave it to me. See you later Cake bye. "Bye i said. I pumped my gas just when i was done 4 car's pulled up with alot of people in them. Me not being a people person i looked behind me to see who was getting out the car as i got into mine. My god was he so sexy tall his upper body was big as fuck his eyes gry about 6'6. I had to pull my mind from were it was about go. As i was going to my cd player my cd's fell to the floor looking down to pick them up. But when i came back up to see a diffrent guy looking at my car trying to see who i was throw the windshild. He was not bad looking at all. "Nice Mustang he said with a thumb's up to me. Me not konwing what he said i bow my head an put my sun glasses on. I blased my music to the max everyone lookined at my car. Pulling with a loud skreech soud burning my will's leaving black mark's on the ground. I looked behind me to see 3 male's standing in the steert an i smiled to myself.

I pulled into our drive way an went into the house to see everything was put away. Happy cause i don't have to do anything. "Hey Cake my mom said. "Hey". "I just got done with your paper work for school you go to school tomarrow. "WHAT"? I said school start's tamrrow no way mom school is next week. "Not in this state it's not. GREAT! i yelled what time do i have to be there? "8:30 my mom said. "An your book's an thing's are on your on the bed. "Okay i yelled from the step's walking into my room i moved the thing's from my bed to the floor. I heard my phone ringing i samlied at who it was it was Emma.

" Hey EM? Hey CAke how's it going at the new place? It's good but i start school in the AM. "Wow we start next week. Don't remind me this is crazy EM what am i going to do. "Run an never look back. HA HA very funny. After about an hour talking to Em i started to text Sam. "Hey Sam it's CAke. She text back fast. "Hey Cake im happy you text me. So am i. whats going on. "Nuthing laying in my room salty that school is tomarrow. What's wrong with at? In Ohio we go to school next week. Oh. I'm suer that you'll like the school's out here in our state. I hope so. "What school do you go to? "Some school called PACK & PRIDE HIGH. "OMG that's my school. "Really that's a good thing because im not a people person Sam. When i get mad i mean i get pissed to the point there's n o stoping me. I had to go to class'es just for my anger i was 6 whenit started. "Well i'll just stay outta your red zone then. lol :-). I got it under control. Yea cause we don't wanna have a fight. Na fight's i don't really do i beat this guy bad an thats was the last fight i ever had in 2 month's. But i'll text you in the AM im going to bed after after i clean my room. I lied im room is already done i just wanted to sleep. "Okay good night Cake. "Good night Sam.

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