The End

439 28 5

Yay, finally finished with this story. Twisted ending huh didn't expect that. I just wanna thank you guys for reading my story. If you liked it then vote don't be a ghost reader, and if you didn't then whatever. I will be starting a new story when I finish my other story that I'm on right now its called '(Krystal & Sulli) Never Letting Go' if you haven't heard of it then look it up. And if your reading it and you like it then vote for it. I promise to update soon on that one just not yet. So uh yeah thanks again and please vote byeeeee 👋... One more thing please recommend this and my other story to others thanks.
--- Ashley.the.Tree

(Completed) My Stepbrother Kris From EXO -sort of edited-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora