02 - Being Me Means Trust None

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Saxon's POV

"Take care of him," I told my men as I walked out of the basement and soon the screams followed behind, begging to spare his life, that he has a family who needs him. As if I would listen.

In this family there are only 2 rules:
Fuck with me and die, and
Never touch what's mine.

He managed to do both by smuggling my delivery to the Wilson's. Now they will have 2 options.

Give me what's mine or I take something that's there's.

Reaching my study, I called the boss Wilson. It rang twice before someone picked up.

"Wilson's. State your business." A firm masculine voice answered, being professional and no-nonsense tolerated attitude.

"Connect me to John Wilson." As firm as the voice was, it was not the boss. His voice was young whereas Wilson was an old hag.

"Did you not understand the meaning of state your business, pal? It means to state your fucking business." He replied.

"And my business is with Wilson. Pal!" I replied, giving no other explanation.

" And who the fuck do you think you are?" He sounded angry now, but still not angry enough to intimidate me.

"Tell him it's Saxon Marcelo and he has something that belongs to me," I said, getting agitated by the second.

There was some shuffling on the other side and finally, someone picked up the phone.

"Marcelo. What do you want?" The old hag's voice came through the speaker as if he doesn't already know.

"My consignment is what I want, Wilson. Which you managed to slip from under my nose." Now I was angry, he had the nerve to act as nothing happened.

"Oh but I have earned my share by selling it, already. And for what it's worth, they paid a good buck for it." He still had no regret or guilt in his voice, and why would he? But I'm gonna make him regret it.

"Did you now?" I replied with a deathly calm in my voice, "then how about you be a good little bitch and pay me my 5 in return for what you stole from me." There would be hell to pay now, and I'm gonna make sure he pays every penny.

"What makes you think I'm scared of you, kid?" I was going to kill this man one day and he would beg me to do it before I cut his head off.

"Because you'll regret it if you don't." I said, "you have 1 week, give me what you owe me or there will be hell to pay." Before he could say anything, I hung up knowing exactly what I was going to do.

I knew he wouldn't pay me, and to get my money out of him, I'll have to make him suffer first. It's not about the 5 million it cost me, I can make it back by sleeping, it's about the family name he stood up against.

I picked up the phone and called in Cyrus, my brother, and my right-hand man, he showed up not seconds later.

"Cyrus, get me everything there is to know about Wilson. When he sleeps, when he eats, when he fucks. Not one thing should be left. Have our best men look into him and get me the information in the next hour." I said without looking up, going through some paperwork.

"On it. Oh, also," he said before walking out, making me look at him, "you seriously need to know when he fucks?" And there he is, the joker brother of mine.

"I want everything about him, Cyrus," I said seriously, about to blow his head up if he didn't go.

"Alright. What has got your panties in a twist?" He walked out, not expecting a reply because he knows he won't get any.

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