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Beyoncé Knowles

After being cheated on more than once by her ex, almost husband, Jay Z

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After being cheated on more than once by her ex, almost husband, Jay Z. She's made an album called Lemonade. To express the feelings of a black women and what we feel. The album debuted #1 on the US Billboard 200 earning 653,000 sales and went triple platinum. B is now living the single life and working on preparing for her Coachella set.

Beyoncé sits on the couch in a hotel room working on more visuals and ideas for her Coachella set. She looks up to see Mally, her makeup artist. Whom she talks to about everything. Everyone on Bey's team is very trustworthy. Mostly because most of them sign non-disclosure agreement, NDA.

Mally walks and sits in front of Bey. Beyoncé ignores her trying to work. Mally sighs and rolls her eyes. "Are you ever going to get off of that thing?"

Bey looks up at Mally and rolls her eyes. "What do you expect? You know I'm a workaholic and I can't finish until it's right." She exclaims.

Mally adjust in her seat. "Yeah, I know it's just... you need a break and it's 6 am. I know you haven't slept. You have a show tonight. You really just need to relax." Mally says looking at her phone. Bey sighs knowing that she's right, but only Beyoncé only knows her limits. She knows when to stop pushing herself not Mally, but you could tell Bey was very tired.

Bey rubs her eyes and yawns. "For the first time I guess you're right." She sets her Macbook aside and heads to the kitchen.

Bey could already smell the food coming from the kitchen. She looks and sees her chef already making food. She smiles while leaning on the island. "What are we having today, Sebastian?" Sebastian has a very bright personality. He's a very entertaining and enjoyable person. Also did she mention he is gay? He's literally Bey's right hand.

Sebastian turns around and smiles back. "Good morning, my love. We're having a classic pancakes, eggs, and sausage. And french toast just for you, babes."

Bey nods her head in amusement. "Thank you, Seb. You really spoil me. I really appreciate you."

Sebastian nods his head. "Anything for our Queen." She smiles at his comment. Her stomach starts to growl and Bey looks at Sebastian in embarrassment while he looks at her. Sebastian smirks. "Working all night again?" He cracks the eggs and Bey watches them sizzle on the grill.

Bey sits at the island and puts her hand on her head."You know me better than anyone. I had to get my work in." She says knowing she's going to get a lecture.

Seb shakes his head. "I understand, but you still used to make time for yourself. Ever since that man left your life you've been working to death... not that you don't already. It's been almost two years girl." Bey sighs and fiddles with the ring on her finger. B knows he's right. She's let a man who has cheated on her more than once affect her. B is a workaholic, but now she's just working her sorrows away.

Beyoncé looks back up at Seb. "I don't have anything else to do and right now I'm just trying to do what's best for Blue." She shrugs.

Seb looks at B like she's a crazy maniac. "Bitch, you're Beyoncé. Of course you have something to do. I bet it's a lot of guys even girls inviting you to clubs. Go to one with your girls. Have a good time and use some dick while you're at it because you've been quite bitchy lately."

Bey glares at him. "Shut up and finish making my food, bitch."

Sebastian laughs to himself. "Yes, mistress."

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