𝟬𝟳. peacekeepers

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     𝐒he thanked the gods for Varrick's genius inventions that made them escape from Eska and Desna's evil clutch

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     𝐒he thanked the gods for Varrick's genius inventions that made them escape from Eska and Desna's evil clutch. The female twin was angered by the fact that Bolin deserted their wedding. It took a while before the group arrived back at Republic City, the yacht being docked in the harbor. She noticed Lin Beifong overseeing the Water Tribe criminals who were being loaded into the trucks.

     "Welcome home, Avatar," Lin said with a sarcastic tone. "Thanks for starting a war." 

    "I didn't start a war," Korra miserably tried to defend herself. "Well, I did, but it's more complicated than you're making it seem."

     The chief of police ignored her statement and looked at the firebender beside them. "Mako, I want you back on the beat. There's going to be a Southern Water Tribe peace march tonight. I need you there to make sure things don't get out of hand."

    "I'm all yours." Mako nodded.

    Cloud pouted and took the attention of the older woman, Lin raising a questioning eyebrow at her. "What about me?" 

    Lin thought for a second then sent her a tight glare. "Don't make me regret it. Come on."

    "See y'all later!" Cloud waved at her friends.

    The sad pout on her face was replaced with an impish grin as she bounced towards the woman who already started walking away. Cloud placed her hands behind her back and walked in a funnily timid way next to her, making Lin glance at her with her permanent grouchy expression. She lightly scoffed at the wild brunette━who very much resembled her father even in attitude━before staring ahead of them.

     Cloud looked around the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center. She could see the statue of her grandfather Sokka overlooking the compound. There was a huge number of people that congregated while the police riot vehicles that had been employed tried to control the crowd. 

     She stood next to Lin with a few of her officers also overlooking the event. One group of Southerners was being led by Korra as she rode atop Naga, which naturally put a smile on her face. Some of them were holding lit candles on paper lotuses while others were holding different sizes signs.

    "Boo! Get out of here! Boo!" The Northern protesters jeered. "Get a real job! Get out of here!"

    Suddenly, out of nowhere, a loud explosion came from the front of the center, leaving everyone in fear and shock. Cloud stepped back as well as the others, meanwhile, Korra stepped up and put out the fire with her waterbending, using all the water from the fountain. She jogged towards the dark-haired girl at the same time Mako approached them, looking out of breath as if he'd just run a marathon.

    "The Northern Water Tribe is out of control!" Korra exclaimed.

    "I saw a firebender running away from the blast," Mako heaved out. "The North might not be responsible for this." 

    "Of course they're responsible," Korra snapped. "Who else would it be?

    Cloud darted her eyes between Mako and Korra, the latter running back towards the arriving firetrucks to help them. Her eyebrows raised as she caressed her imaginary beard, deep in thought. "Hmm."

    "What?" Mako asked confusedly.

    "I think I might need another smoothie." She sent him an innocent smile before trudging back towards the other officers.

    "Really, Cloudy?" Mako sighed loudly as he threw his hands up in disbelief. His eyes followed her figure disappearing into the crowd, doing the complete opposite of what she said and helping the firemen instead.

    Since her family wasn't around the Air Temple Island, Cloud had been frequently visiting Mako's decent apartment where she spends most of her time annoying the hell out of him when he's being a boring dude. Fortunately, this time, Bolin was there and he was rambling about being Nuktuk and stuff that she couldn't understand. She trudged out of the extra bedroom, walking to the living room to see the two brothers conversing with each other.

      "Look, I'm trying to do something that's actually important here."

     "Oh. Oh, sorry. Uh, sure. What is it?"

     "Something doesn't make sense about this bombing. I just don't buy that the Northern Water Tribe was behind it," Mako said then suddenly Bolin flipped the book to the next page, and the cop recognized a face on the paper. "Wait a second! That's him! That's the guy that attacked the center! I gotta go show this to Beifong!"

     "Glad I could help," Bolin said proudly. "Nuktuk saves the day again!"

    Cloud furrowed her brows at the two brothers. She reached out to call the firebender but she was faced with a slammed door. What surprised her next was that the door burst open again just right after it was slammed closed, and there she stood face to face with a certain Avatar. Cloud pursed her lips, making a confused expression at her.

     "What now?" Cloud asked suspiciously.

     "You're coming with me," Korra said, not giving her time to speak as she started dragging her by the arm out of the apartment complex.

    "My precious glider!" Cloud dramatically shrilled as the girl continued dragging her in the hallways. 

     Korra abruptly stopped and sent the older girl a look. "You're holding it."

     The brunette stopped fake crying and slowly looked at her hand where she clutched a familiar staff, before looking back at her with a sheepish expression. 

     "Oh. Okay, let's go!" Cloud pokily removed Korra's hand from the back of her shirt and jumped in front of her, the two continuing their way to God knows where.

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