08 : 𝖲𝗉𝗒

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「Third Person's POV」

Another day, another heavy duty and schedules for Y/N to accomplish. Due to the fan meeting incident, Greg made her surrounded with even more bodyguards in the set. Their production film was bound to shoot in a local park and swarms of fans flocked the site to watch. It was currently their break time and Y/N was memorizing the last bits of her lines in a spot.

"And I know my name has been tainted but my dignity.. What was it again..? But my dignity.. But my intensions!" She facepalmed.

"But my intensions were pure! Where the fuck did that dignity come from?"

She flipped the pages, scanned more lines and paced back and forth, exaggerating her gestures as if she was overly passionate with what she was doing.

"The truth will set me free, Felix. And if it means to break thy rules for my freedom then so be it."


"Yes, Greg?"

"Here." He gave her a drink. "You've donne enough."


Y/N slomped into her chair and sipped. She waved at a few of her fans who have been calling her for hours. Greg frowned.

"I should've kept them away. I'll call the security-"

"No, let them be." She insisted. "They'll do me no harm."

"How can you be so sure? One of them could shoot you before we know!"

"Greg, stop. I'm tired, okay? You say it like you know everything."

Greg held his waist. "You're tired?"

"Absolutely. I can literally hear my back cracking like crabs in a mukbang."

"Shall we request for a shortened schedule then? You're better off the set earlier so you can rest in the unit."

Y/N raised a brow. "What's with you today?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're too concerned. Never had you like this before, Greg."

"Well I can't afford to put my money maker in deeper trouble, can I?"

Y/N narrowed her eyes at the man. She felt offended. Greg just smirked and ruffled her hair before walking off to speak with the director. Sometimes, she'd just wish she could tear the contract herself and quit the job.

"Of course. I make the money, he pockets it." She sneered, throwing the empty cup away.

She got up from her seat and followed a straight path leading to a remote area of the park. 3 bodyguards tailed her from behind to ensure nothing happens. She didn't mind. At least they weren't that close.


"I'm at the park spying over Y/N, boss."

"Good. See to it that you get the perfect chance, Soobin. Do you get me?"

𝖴𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖢𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now