15 : 𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝖡𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗁𝖽𝖺𝗒?

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「Third Person's POV」

December. A month after the incident happened and Soobin was stuck in his penthouse the entire time. He refused to go out which is a good thing in case the police finds him in the streets once they figured out who the suspects were. Apparently, the investigation was still on going and Y/N, being the only hope to reach her justice, was unable to voice out due to the trauma.

Days passed, the issue grew bigger. What's worse was that right after Y/N was discharged, the entertainment company responsible for the production of her film kicked her out. They told Greg that they couldn't fathom such tainted and scandalous actress hinder their business and masterpiece so they went back to zero and handed the role to another starlet whom unfortunately happened to be Erina.

It was Soobin's birthday. His brother already went home to their family house in the province so he was all alone. He wasn't even planning to celebrate until he heard a knock on the door.

"Cherrie? What are you doing here?"

His best friend beamed widely and placed a birthday hat on his head. "Happy birthday, dumbass."

Cher appeared from behind and raised bottles of soju. Soobin sighed and let them in. Cherrie lazily plopped on his couch and placed boxes of food on his table. Cher calmly sat on the floor. Soobin just stood and watched them.

"What are you staring at?" Cher questioned. "The food won't get inside your stomach if you keep on doing that."

"I'm not in the mood." He simply said and sat beside Cherrie who already had her first shot of liquor.

"What do you mean you're not in the mood? It's your goddamn birthday, silly! You're finally 20!"


"Don't be stubborn." Cher stuffed a pizza slice on his mouth. "Now chew."

Soobin unwillingly did. Cher helped herself with some buffalo wings and turned on the television to watch some drama. Meanwhile, Cherrie scanned Soobin's facade. The circles around his eyes went darker and his sockets went deeper. His hair was a greasy mess and his clothes were badly wrinkled. It was as if he hasn't been taking care of himself these past few days and sadly, she and her twin knew why. Y/N has been his source of inspiration and happiness for years and with this catastrophe happening between them, Soobin was plunged into a pit of sadness and guilt.

"Yah." She nudged him.

He looked at her. "Hmm?"

"Have you heard? Erina got the role. The agency kicked Y/N out from the casts."

"Yeah, I've heard."

"I'm so sorry, Soobin."

"It's not your fault." He stated, tossing the unfinished slice onto the pizza box and reached out for a shot of soju. "It's Erina's."

"Your ex is really something. I mean I know she's crazy but I never thought she'd be this crazy."

"I honestly forgot why and how I ended up with her before." He slightly chuckled and downed the shot glass.

"Right? Y/N's lucky to survive her insane ass. She's damn tough."

"She's always been." Soobin poured another glass and remembered how Y/N opened up to him at the park. "I admire her for that."

"Big boss is still mad at you though." Cher butted in, eyes glued to the television.

"I don't care."

"He's got his men hunting you down, man. You're lucky you moved out from your old address or we would've been standing in your wake one of these days."

"Cher!" Cherrie screeched, throwing a small box at her twin. "It's his birthday! How dare you!"

Soobin just smiled weakly. He set his eyes onto the television screen and a breaking news just coincidentally flashed. It was all about Y/N.

"Just in, famed celebrity and actress Y/N L/N is bound to leave Korea in a few weeks time. After her alleged cut-off from ShowBox Entertainment, the actress stated that she will be heading back to her residence in the U.S."

"Greg Williams confirmed this matter and is also working on the lawsuits. Y/N is still refusing to give out the details and we're trying to know why. The actress has also been facing a lot more online harassments since she got discharged from Gungtae Hospital. Nonetheless, she showed that she's doing just fine and is recovering. This is Lee Hana for JTBC News."

Soobin gulped down his 5th shot. He was halfway finished with his bottle and Cher decided to put on a movie instead of drowning Soobin with more contents about Y/N.

It was a boring party, really. With the snow storm raging outside, the twins decided to make a stay in Soobin's household. He didn't protest anyways, knowing he could trust them and they were like his sisters as well.

Hours ticked by slowly. The twins were knocked out good on the floor and Soobin was the last one to remain awake. Bottles of soju rolled on the velvety carpet, crumbs and pieces of food littered the table. Soobin didn't care. He was too drunk to give a damn. Finishing his 4th bottle, he smashed the green thing against the surface and groaned.

"Happy.. Fucking birthday.. Whatever.." He mumbled, scratching his head.

The twins stirred and shifted comfortably on their spots. Soobin rolled his eyes and went to his room, dragged a heavy blanket and simply threw it on them. He then plopped on his bed, face planted onto the pillows. The strong smell of alcohol came out from his mouth and he didn't like it. He remembered how Y/N laid on the exact spot and with the same situation. He missed seeing her drunk even if it was the first.

"Y/N.." He opened his phone and looked at their selcas together. A tear slipped from his eye. "Fuck.. Y/N.."

Soobin began to sob. He missed her. What was once his light and sunshine was gone. All he knew was that she was once a shining star but now, she's plummeting down from the skies. Erina has replaced her from the spotlight. Y/N was badly hurt. Her manager was a dick and she's facing defamation. He knew things like this could happen but now that it's there, it still felt unreal and unjust. He wanted to take all the pain instead.

Incoming call..

He looked at the register. It was an unknown number. Though sniffling, he picked it up to answer. He could hear the wind blowing against the caller's phone as if he or she was outside.

"Meet me at the park." A familiar voice said.


"Now. I want to see you, Soobin."

𝖴𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖢𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now