Chapter 3 (exploration)

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Hey guys, so azur lane won to explore right? But.... I'LL GOING MAKE THEM EXPLORE CRIMSON AXIS FIRST :)

By the way that is adult nagato in top of the Pic. And I played the starcraft 2 again and I going add another Armament for the hyperion, rocket pods. If he outnumbered, he will use to kill multiple enemies instantly, splash damaged.

Anyway let's get back......

I'm joking choosing the crimson axis. We will explore the Azur Lane.

Let's go!

Archer: where is my popcorn

Author: microwave.

We can see our 3 main characters deciding which faction they should explore. Well, they decide to explore Azur Lane. The three of them nodded and look at them. Waiting for us patiently.

Hyperion: okay, we decided to explore Azur Lane.

Akagi: fine. Is only explore and impressed you three.

Hyperion just nodded and sighed. He look at the Azur Lane girls, enterprise nodded. They turned and head back to Azur Lane base. Hyperion get inside of the hyperion, and follow the Azur Lane girls. Spear of adun and leviathan summoned there ships. Levita wisdom cube color is kinda different. Is purple. Before the akagi and the others leave. They were shocked seeing Levita and Spear of adun ship.

Then akagi speak under her breath

Akagi: we need them to allied us.

Then zuikaku spoke

Zuikaku: that a giant ship, it can defeat many of us

She point at Spear of adun ship and she was shivering. The Sakura girls are heading back to Sakura empire and report this to nagato and the iron blood.

Back to hyperion and the others. He look around inside his hyperion battlecruiser. He was amazed is still the same, even the armory, the lab, and the cantina.

Hyperion: Hm... Still the same inside of me. It feels weird when I'm inside a ship of me.

He said and chuckled.

Timeskip brought you by Levita forcing hyperion to make babies with her

A/n: welp rip

Author: I know right

Back to the story.

Hyperion POV

We arrived at the Azur Lane base. Then greeted by some shipgirls and.... Maids? Why there's a maid in this world? This feels weird. The shipgirls amazed to my ship. Mostly they were greatly amazed of Spear of adun ship, and Levita biological ship aswell.

I jump from my ship and landed on the port. Staying the hyperion flying.

(reminder: the 3 MC have unlimited fuel or idk if they run with fuel. I need help since my laptop crashed somehow and got virus)

Levita and adun do a same thing to hyperion, but Spear of adun ship increase attitude cause is big as fuck.

Hyperion: alright. Now we are here.

Enterprise: right. Can you introduce yourself?

Hyperion: alright. Let me introduce my self, my name his hyperion. I'm a raynor's raider that become a dominion battlecruiser.

I saluted to them.

3rd pov

Enterprise: hyperion.... We didn't heard you before and those you say raynor's raider or dominion but moving on.

The Triumvirate (Starcraft 2 x Azur Lane) Where stories live. Discover now