Chapter 3

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Eithan's POV

I ran over to Austin to help him up like I do everyday. I tried standing up for him, but damn, is Alex tall.. Let's say I wasn't in school for another 3 weeks.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him up, forgetting how lightwieght he was, I pulled too hard and he fell on me.


He pulled himself off of me.

"Sorry, completely my fault. Forgot you wiegh two pounds." I apologized.

"Yeah, it's okay.." he smiled weakly. I can't imagine how he could smile with all that he's been through.

"So.. Uh.. I guess I'll see ya later.." he said awkwardly.

"Yup.." I replied.

Why the hell is this so awkward?

Carly's POV

"So after all the years of us telling you to get a job.. You choose this one?" I looked over at Cameron.

"Yup.. So yeah I'm gonna TRY to get one and hope my mom doesn't say it's a bad idea.."

I rolled my eyes. "Please, that's impossible.."

"Well, we have to try."

"I've heard that in so many kid shows.. You have no idea.." we laughed together.

"But seriously, we should look around. Online, newspapers, anything you can find."

"Whatever.." I rolled my eyes once more as I turned around to see Austin sitting at a table thats just randomly in the hallway for you know, whatever reason.. He was kind of.. Bloody..

"Hey, what's up with Austin?" I turned back towards Cameron.

"Oh.. He's.. Uh.. He just fell on some concrete.. And he fell face first that's why his face is bloody.. Yup.. That is what happened.."

"Cameron.. What's going on? Seriously, I can tell your lying."

"Nothing! You can ask Eithan!" he pointed over to Eithan who was sitting next to my lov- I mean Austin.

Dafuq did that come from?


I have to remind myself sometimes.

"I'll ask him later.." I looked down at my feet.


My feet thoughts were inturupted by the bell.

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