Chapter 2

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I've been rubbing my nose against my shoulder.




Cameron/Brayden/Bonnie's POV (why dafuq do I have so many names for this kid? Ma gawd..)

I waited on the bus stop. I expected to see Eithan running, since he's always late.. 



It was oddly warm today. It made me regret wearing my hoodie.

I saw Eithan run up right as the bus turned the corner.

"I almost thought you were gonna have to walk to school again." I smirked as he caught up to me. "That would've been the 3rd time this week."

"Shut.. The fuck up.." he was still catching his breath. I chuckled as the bus pulled up.

Eithan/Foxy's POV

It's not MY fault I'm always late.

I've never had an alarm clock before, so I use my phone. And it's byfar the stupidest smart phone ever.

That's what I get for getting an Android (TAKE IT! APPLE IS BETTTTTAAAAA!)

I folloed Cameron onto the bus. I assumed he'd pick an empty seat, since we're some of the first people on the bus, and Austin's stop is next.

As we pulled up at Austin's stop, he seemed more.. Stressed.. Than usual.

I mean, I wouldn't blame him.. I've seen his grades.. And met his parents..


But back on topic.

He sat on the seat next to us.

"Dude, what's up?" Cameron sat on the outside.

"Nothing, just Alex(Golden Freddy) being his little bitchy self.. And because he was being his bitchy self I'm probably gonna get my ass kicked later but you know.. Whatever.." he said the last part sarcasticly.

Cameron and I are the only people that know his parents abuse him. We won't tell Carly, since it's pretty clear, to me atleast, that she likes Austin.

It's either I understand girls completely or I'm gay. (HEHEHEHEHEHEH U HAVE NO IDEA DO YOU YOUNG ONE HEHEHEHEHEHEH)

"Well.. You're not the only one freaking out. My mom says I have to get a JOB." Cameron looked so serious.

"Dude, I've had a job since like 10th grade.." I smirked.

"I've been working my whole life so I don't wanna hear shit from you Cameron.." Austin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Are you guys gonna help me find a job or not?"

"I vote not. I have a very busy life.." Austin lied. Clearly..

"Everytime I try to help you with something you say I'm wrong and you go in a completely different direction. Then when everything goes wrong you blame me.." I explained.

"That's not true! Name one time that's happened!"

"I tried to help you with a school project, then there was when you learned how to ride a bike and that camping trip? Yeah.. That was bad.."

"Okay, I said one.. Not three.. But you prove your point.." he sighed in defeat.


Austin's POV (If you don't know who he is, then you have very bad observation skills or you just didn't bother reading shizz)

I speedwalked to my locker, trying to avoid my brother, who'd walked in after me.

I thought I had escaped until I shut my locker and turned around to see him.

"Hey, little bro. Nice escape this morning."

"I'm actually older then you.."

"But who's taller?"

I looked down. 

I am kind of short..

He grabbed me by my collar and held me againt my locker. I didn't struggle. This happens everyday. At home and at school. I'm used to it.

He holds me up with one arm and punches my stomach with the other. He shoves his hand that holding me to the locker deeper into my skin. At this point, I'd be surprised if he couldn't feel my heartbeat.

He started punching my jaw repeatedly until blood came out. He then dropped me to the ground, knocking the wind out of me.

"See ya at home, faggot."

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