Chapter 8

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Cobb POV:

After the battle is over, I look at the casualties. Thankfully, there are only three from the DDF. The rest managed to eject and were picked up by a member of their flight.

I'm starting to do the paperwork that comes with every death, when Arturo from Skyward flight knocks on my door.

"Enter," I say, setting aside the paperwork.

Arturo salutes then says, "Is this a bad time? I can come back if you want."

"At ease. Now is fine. If it wasn't I would have told you to come back later. What do you want?"

"Well... I was wondering where Jorgen and Spensa er-Lieutenant Nightshade are," Arturo stutters.

"Lieutenant Nightshade and Jorgen are, well, I don't actually know where they are. I know they hyperjumped because M-bot's signal vanished within a second and I gave them permission to."

"Oh, ok. Sorry to bother you," Arturo says, turning to leave.

"So, how's it going with you and Quirk?" I say.

I don't know why I'm asking but I know I need to make sure my pilots personal life doesn't get in the way of flying in battle.

"What?! How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways," I say. "You never answered my question though."

"Oh well. It is go-"

Rikolfr knocks on the door, peering in.

"Yes Rikolfr?"

"The ship is contacting you for Jorgen and Lieutenant Nightshade. It says that Jorgen and Lieutenant Nightshade would like to speak with you."

"Alright, You are dismissed," I say to him. "Arturo, you can come."

"Thank you sir," he says saluting again.

I rush to the control room and once I get there, acctivate the microphone, "Lieutenant? Spensa? Spin? Jorgen? Do you copy? This is Admiral Cobb. I want a status update."

"Admiral, we are heading toward an unknown planet right now," Spensa's voice comes over the radio.

"We are here for a reason though. We aren't sure what it is yet. The delvers told me that I can stop everything I love from being destroyed by doing something here. We have to figure out what to do though," Jorgen adds.

I reply sternly, "Alright. Give us a status report when you are settled in and know more about what you are doing on that planet."

"Yes sir," they both say before one of them cuts the line.

I wasn't done talking yet but it was too late.

"You are dismissed Arturo," I say as I turn to head back to my office.


Arturo POV:

I turn to leave and head down to Quirk's room. Me and her decided to meet and then go out flying for a little while. We have R&R and Cobb permitted us to use our ships for a joyride.

I get to Quirk's room and am about to knock when she flings open the door.

She races past me grabbing my hand while saying, "Come on! Let's go!"

"Quirk! Slow down! You are going to rip my arm off!"

She slows down a little. "Right, sorry. I got a little over excited."

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