Chapter 17

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A couple hours ago...

Spin POV:

I open the door Kimmalyn pointed to and find a set of stairs. I head up the stairs and come to the roof where I immediately spot M-bot a couple meters away.

I walk up over to M-bot and start inspecting him. "M-bot? Can you run your diagnostic?"

"Sure. But after we need to talk."

"Alright, fine. Just run your diagnostic," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Booster and thrusters: online. Activity ring and altitude controls: online. Communications and stealth systems: online. Lightlance: online. Self-repair: online. Destructors: online. Cytonic hyperdrive: offline," he lists.

"Alright. You're all good. Now... what did we need to talk about?"

"I'm afraid it's not good news Spensa," M-bot starts. "You won't like it and I am positive that your emotional state will deteriorate."

"Just spit it out," I growl.

"Your mom was found dead this morning. I'm sorry for your loss."

"My mom is what?" I ask in shock as I hold back tears.

"Dead, Spensa. Your mom is dead. Like I said before, I am sorry for your loss."

I try to hold back my tears but eventually cave in, bursting into tears and trying to think about something else.

"Do you want to talk about it Spensa?" M-bot asks as I calm down and stop crying.

"How did she die?" I ask instead.

"She was visiting the surface to take a walk in Alta Park. On her walk from the elevator shaft to Alta Park, there was a debris fall. She was crushed by a piece of debris. Salvage found her two days after she died."

I hold in my tears once again, trying to be brave, and sink to the floor.

After a couple of minutes, I compose myself and stand up, checking if my eyes are red in M-bot's shell. When I deem that I don't look like I've been crying, I head over to the stairwell. I walk down the stairs and stop at the bottom. I reach the door and before opening it, I take a deep breath. After a minute, I open the door and walk over to the kitchen. I snatch some rat meat up and start heading towards the living room.

The present...

Jorgen POV:

Spin finishes telling the story, and I inch closer to her. She just slides closer to me and curls into my side. I grip her hand tightly and ask cautiously, "Are-" I hesitate. "Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I do, just not right now. I'm tired-" she yawns, "-and want to sleep right now. Wake me in the morning and we'll talk. Deal?"

"Deal," I say.

Spensa wiggles closer and falls asleep within minutes.

Spensa POV:

I'm in the elevator heading to Igneous. I heard my mom was going to be visiting Gran-Gran and I wanted to see them both. The elevator finally reaches Igneous and everyone steps out of my way when they see my pilots pin. I had gotten used to the looks you get as a pilot, but will never get used to everyone stepping aside when you are in Igneous. I shake my head and start walking, at a very casual pace, to my old house.

As I get close, I can hear my mom and Gran-Gran talking on the roof so I make my way over to the ladder and climb up.

"There's my Spensa," Gran-Gran says, "Come help me with the bread."

"None of the 'closing your eyes and do it all by touch' training right?" I say jokingly.

"No. Come sit and knead the bread" Gran-Gran says.

As I walk over and sit down beside Gran-Gran, my mom addresses me,"How has the DDF been?"

"It's been good. M-bot has been helping us get through the debris field so that we can attack the krell from space, which you already know," I respond. I look over at her, "Mom? What's happening to you?"

She's dissolving into dust, flaking away particle by particle. I run up to her, tears streaming down my face. All that's left is half of her face.

"Spensa, remember, I will always be with you and will always love you. Be safe," she says before the last piece of her dissolves into the air.


"Spensa," Jorgen is shaking me, "Spensa, wake up!"

I jerk into a sitting position and Jorgen lurches forward to envelop me in his arms. I shake him off and climb out of bed, heading to the washroom.

I rest my head on the edge of the cold tub and sit there until I hear a light knock and a, "Spin? Are you ok?"

"Fine," I mutter.

"Please, Spin, talk to me," Jorgen pushes.

"Ok. Bring me a face cloth first though and we will talk... about everything," I say.

I hear Jorgen's footsteps heading away from the bathroom. Seconds later, he is coming back. Before he can knock, I open the door and snatch the face cloth from him. Turning on the cold water, I wet the cloth. I turn off the water and I can't help but shudder when the face cloth touches my face. After wiping my face down, I stride into the closet, toss the face cloth into an empty bin, and walk back into the bedroom.

I sit on the floor at the end of the bed and Jorgen takes a seat across from me. I take a deep breath and say, "You know my mom died and-" I hesitate.

"Take however much time you need, Spin. I will always be here for you and if I'm not I will be there as soon as possible. Hyperjumping should make that easy though," Jorgen says, taking the opportunity to speak.

"Thank you, Jorgen. That means a lot. It's probably best if I start by explaining my nightmare," I say quietly, but not weakly. After all, I'm Spensa and I've been crying much to often these past couple hours.

And so, I start explaining my nightmare.

A/N: Well, I finally did it! I finally got the next chapter out! And its even a decent length! 🥳
I didn't exactly meet my two-week schedule but I still made a chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have enjoyed the whole story so far.

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