~chapter i || un

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~ Chapter I

Stupid, intolerable, and an idiot. That's what Morgan Spencer was, and yet I never learn. I feel like I don't have the usual human apprehension to refuse him whenever he asks me that simple question that any usual intelligent human being would give the answer thoughtlessly to. This male was a person who interrupts an amazing novel, for you to do their homework. Christ. The library was once a sacred place, rest it's soul.

"Morg', gimme some homework answers. Love you, but strictly platonic. Alright?" Morgan announced, slumping on the chair adjacent to me, and perching his feet on the library table I occupied.

"Pfft, Spencer. You really think every time you ask me for stuff, I'll say yes without an argument on why you cannot do your homework?" I countered. These were how all are conversations were, to be honest these were the only conversations we had.

"Every time you say yes, and you're like my go-to homework gal, Morg'. Will you do it or not?"

"No, Spencer. I'm not interested in taking your mountain of overdue homework off your hands to burden me, the victim of your insanity."

"Jesus. All you had to do was say no, Morg'," Morgan groaned. Promptly, his feet fell to the burgundy carpet and he slid the oak chair closer to the one I was currently inhabiting. My personal space bubble was completely shattered by this brainless ape, who never takes consideration for what I'm doing.

"Get away from me, you're freaking loathsome. I don't really want to smell your foul breath stench while I'm still continuing to exist. It smells like you brushed your teeth with those harsh Wintergreen Icebreakers you keep buying," I fussed, waving away the stench. I buried my head into the narrow space in-between the paperback book, focusing on the words; blocking him out. The atmosphere changing words of Simone Elkeles altered my mind, I was just feeling the affecting aura when my treasured book was snatched out of my hand forcefully, and adjusted to hide my features.

A crazy amount of shock invaded my body; my heart pounding fast against my chest, right before his hand tilted my head softly to face his, and leaned in; pressing his wet forced lips to mine.

The scent of Morgan's breath captured my senses, and even though the minty scent of those sweet candies was the most obnoxious odor ever; it tasted delicious when it insulted somebody else's mouth. The sound of my heart became more upbeat the millisecond; making these few minutes more intense. His tongue traced my bottom lip slowly, and then there it was; the sudden crazy amount of shock.

The shock that this was my first kiss, and Morgan Spencer took it. That dirty-minded dense half-hearted imbecile took my first kiss. He ruined my free period, my 30 minutes of reading sweet bliss.

I jumped up out of the oak chair, forcefully pushing it to the side; startled by the state I had let him lead me into.

"Fuck!" I shouted loudly, remembering we were in the library, "Crap!" I slapped my hand over my mouth, sighing I slowly set my head on the redwood library table.

"Ms. Collins, your language was obscene and vulgar and I'm afraid you'll have to exit."

The librarian barked. Even though Mrs. James was a down-right great chat sometimes, she had her off days.

I glowered at the source of this debacle, Morgan Spencer. He smirked and stood up, extending his arms; leaning on the head of the chair to get balance, leaving his stupid chair out; so another individual could probably trip on it or something. Being his idiotic self basically.

"Morg', don't forget to write Spencer not Collins this time, right?" He ran a hand through his hair, and turned around walking his freaking stride of stupid pride. God, one day I will find out how to sacrifice him to hell without evidence.

"You... I'm gonna smash your dense head in!"

"Mrs. Collins! I thought I told you to leave!" Mrs. James stabbed.

I sighed, and put my shaking fist down in defeat. Picking up my book, I trudged out of the library, eyeing the new table which Morgan was invading, the imbecile's minions. I was so done with this day, J.K Rowling was all I needed right now.

I reached in my pockets, only to find a folded piece of paper that turned out to be his stupid freaking homework.

Morgan doubled over in laughter, signaling the rise of laughter from his group.



first chap i made cute lil chapter banner thingys cos i needed an excuse to not write but nyway ye comment, vote do whtvr u want

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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