Complex 09

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I'm sitting on my bed quietly waiting for Minseok oppa to talk again.

"You should have not done that Byulyi she's your leader now you have to understand that she's also adjusting to the sudden change of roles." He said. Well it's already 11pm, I went home after waking out the company. I called Minseok oppa and asked him to come over and luckily he managed to escape their dorm so now he'll be staying here for a night. My parents allowed him to stay since they don't have to worry about everything since my younger sister Seulgi, is also sleeping in this room.

I told him what happened earlier and he got disappointed of me, he said I shouldn't have done that and bla bla bla, he's like my dad but I know I did wrong. I don't know why I'm still feeling something towards Yongsun unnie, she's kind but I still found her really annoying all the time. I'm aware of my trashy actions I know but I don't understand either, I just found her annoying.

"Byul-ah, apologize to Yongsun. I won't tolerate this kind of action." I'm thankful because Minseok oppa acts really mature to our relationship and I'm grateful that he's helping me to be a better person. Now I'm starting to think if I really do deserve him.

Looking at him using human's bare eyes I can tell that his features are perfect, he's now a superstar and lastly his personality makes him shine even more. Do I deserve you Minseok oppa?

Or I'm just a burden to you?

I don't know...

"Yes, I'm sorry oppa." I lowered my head to him I'm feeling embarrassed, why am I acting so childish? I hate myself for this.

Oppa looked at my direction first before pulling me to a hug.

"Don't apologise to me, say it to Yongsun okay?" I nodded my head between our hug. What did I do to my past life to deserve you?

We pulled out from each other's hug. We both went to the bed to sit and relax, I get my phone and searched for Yongsun unnie's number while Minseok oppa is watching me.

I sent unnie a picture of cute puppies that we really like a lot before texting her that I'm sorry.

She didn't responded right away so I decided to lay my back on my bed together with Minseok oppa.

I feel so embarrassed, why am I acting so childish? Running all the way home just to avoid those awkward situations that I made, I feel bad doing these, I feel bad acting this way to Yongsun unnie.

"Byul-ah, I might become more busy this following days I don't know if I'm able to meet you up or even respond to your messages the company will confiscate our mobile phones for awhile since we'll be working of our next comeback." Oh we're at this SM practices, confiscating the idols' phone to make them motivated in work, frustrating.

"It's just fine I'm also busy for a pre-debut collaboration with Bumkey oppa." Of course it's not okay but it's his job, how am I supposed to act? I clearly get everything and the only thing I can do is to understand.

Minseok oppa cuddled me giving me a tight hug to comfort me, "I'm sorry Byul-ah I don't want this either but it's a part of my work I signed."

"I know I understand oppa I just can't think of not communicating with you for such a long time what will happen if we debuted? Both of us will be more busier specially us because for sure we'll be working on or promotions. We already have our timeline for our future promotions at the company." The CEO already plotted every for the following year and guess what it's literally full.

I heard Minseok oppa sighed but he remained silent for a while.

"But we chose this Byulyi, we chose this work and relationship so we also have to deal with the consequences of our decisions." I know... I clearly know oppa. I'm also aware that this is not the best way nor the best decision to choose but we did maybe because we're too stubborn, careless and too young to believe that things are not as simple as we think it is.

I love you but I'm starting to doubt our decisions since we're now facing the reality about this path we chose.

"I know oppa it's okay I understand." I replied and I know this is the first lie I ever said to him, that it's okay cause I know I'm not fine with it.

* * *

"We are not tolerating this kind of action, If you girls will stay this way then I'm sorry I think you both are still not ready to debut." The argument was reported to the higher management of the company and we are currently being roasted by the CEO.

Me and Yongsun unnie already made up but the CEO insisted that he wanted to talk to us because we're the older member of MAMAMOO but we're also the ones who's creating a damn commotion and now he's threatening us to postpone our debut.

"We're sorry sir we promise not be act like this again." Yongsun unnie said then we both bowed to apologize.

"Yongsun you are now the new leader of this group please do your job well you should have a lot of patience and Byulyi please act accordingly, you both suppose to be the role models of this group but what are you doing? Fighting and arguing over small things? I don't want to hear something like this anymore or else I will not hesitate to kick you out of this group. As a group you should learn how to adjust and communicate with each other." We both nodded then apologized again before going out of his office.

Great! We're on the bad side.

"Unnie, I'm really sorry for putting you in this situation." I know it's my fault if I acted mature none of these will going to happen.

"Hey! It's not your fault I know I acted really bossy I think I felt overwhelmed over that title "leader" that's why I acted that way, I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." I expected her to be mad but she's smiling at me right now. She's giving me that cute sincere smile that made her small dimple to be visible. Wow! I guess I'm surrounded by good people and the only one who has a problem is me.

"Thank you unnie I'm sorry again." Her smile become wider, she looked at me then placed her right arm on my shoulders, "It's fine! We can always do better in the future. Let's work harder okay?" Yongsun unnie is really kind.

She's really kind and it's me who's making things harder for us. I should work my attitude too I feel bad for treating her like a bitch when she's just trying to help me and motivate me.

From now on I'll be working harder to become better and deserving for everything I have now.

I need to become better for MAMAMOO and for Minseok oppa.

I need be deserving for them.

* * *

An: I feel like I'm messing with this book hahahaha😂 I hope to be keep on track, this book requires a lot of researches and things so yeah I hope I'm doing just fine.

I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter.

07/30/20 [1:15am KST] Thur

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