Troll Rangers (Part 2)

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Smidge was lecturing the kids, "Jr. Troll Rangers, balloon animal crafting takes lots of practice. But, by the time you're ready to get your Balloon Critter Patch, you'll be able to turn this..."

She blew into a balloon.

"...into this!"

She made it into a swan.

"Now, you try."

The kids tried, but weren't very successful.

CJ said to Priscilla, "At this rate, I'll never get all my patches."

Priscilla said, "And we'll never go on those trips with Queen DJ and King Trollex."

But then, she looked into her book, "Unless we find a shortcut."

Afterwards, Smidge went over each kids' work.

"The tail is unconvincing. Less abdomen, more thorax."

She then saw CJ's; It was just an unfolded balloon.

"What is that?"

CJ answered, "It's a worm!"

Smidge was a little unsure, but then Priscilla showed her, "The Jr. Troll Ranger Guidebook definately says that worms are animals."

Smidge then said, "Oh, my guh. Well, I guess that meets the requirements, so..."

She gave her the patch.


Priscilla and CJ knew they might be onto something.


Guy and Tiny Diamond led the next assignment.

Guy said, "A Jr. Troll Ranger must innovate on the dancefloor. Each of you must come up with a completely original dance. Go!"

Tiny inspected the dances, "Done it. Seen it. Heard of it."

However, they came across CJ standing still.

Tiny said, "Yo, girl, you're supposed to be cutting rug."

Priscilla said, "In fact, she is. Well, she's not really 'cutting the rug', but she's still dancing. It's called The Statue. No Troll has ever stood still on the dancefloor before."

Guy said, "Such originality!"

He gave them her patch.

"The Bust A Groove Patch! Troll Girl Power!"


They went to Milton Moss.

"You get the Critter Training Patch when you've trained a critter to obey three commands."

They just grabbed a baby puffalo and 'trained' it to do what it was currently doing.

CJ said, "Sit still."

Priscilla said, "That's one!"

"Be quiet."


"Stand on four legs."


Both asked, "Patch, please?"

Milton said, "Well, I don't know if I totally buy that, but you guys are just too cute!"

He gave them the patch.


The girls found a shortcut for every patch.

"Play All Day Patch! Let's Get Scrappy Patch! Night Pillow Fight Patch! Irrational Cheer Patch! Achievement Patch! The Dessert Patch!"


In Pop Village, DJ and Trollex decided to spend the next couple of days in DJ's old pod, which was left alone in case they decided to do so.

Then, the girls popped in, "Aunt DJ! Uncle Trollex!"

"Hey, girls."

They showed them all their patches and immediately started packing the for trip.

Trollex and DJ were both slightly surprised, but not in a good way.

DJ asked, "Wait. You got all of those patches today?"

CJ answered, "Mm-hmm."

DJ and Trollex looked at each other.

DJ then said, "CJ, it sort of looks like you sped through a lot of fun stuff here."

CJ said, "Sure did."

Priscilla said, "Without question."

Trollex then said, "Guys, learning these skills were some of the greatest times of our lives. So, before we go on the trip, we want you to take a moment and think about if this is something you really want to rush."

They both took a moment.

Then, CJ said, "Ok. Thought it through! Let's go!"

DJ and Trollex looked at each other and shrugged.

DJ said, "Ok, then. Load up and-Wait. Are you sure you got all the patches?"

CJ said, "Yep."

Trollex then asked, "But, did you get...the Hair and Share Patch?"

They showed the girls a patch on the back of the sash.

CJ was surprised, "There's one on the back?!"

DJ explained, "Yep. It's a patch you get for helping the community. You need to see Poppy so she can assign you a project."

The girls both sadly sighed and said, "Troll Girl Disappointment."

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