Big Blue Baddie (Part 2)

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Later on, Riff snuck into Biggie's room.

"Cute bed? Board games? Scrapbooks with fairytales? This is either the bedroom of a seven-year-old kid...or a deranged killer."

He then went through his drawers, "No knives. No body parts."

He gasped when he opened another one...full of Hug Watches.

"Great day in the morning! How many watches does one Troll need?"

Riff then asked himself, "Is it possible Biggie's not the killer? Could it just be that he happens to be chubby and blue? And I'm jumping to a nasty conclusion because I'm being paranoid?"

He looked at his picture...

But then said, "No, that's the face of a killer."

Just then, he heard someone coming and quickly hid under the bed.

Biggie came in and got on the phone.

"It's me. It has to be tonight. I think he's onto me. Come pick up Riff when I'm done with him. He'll be in the the freezer."

Riff quickly snuck out before Biggie noticed.

"I gotta get out of here!"

He tried to open the door, but couldn't, "He's locked me in!"

Even worse, "Where you going?"

Biggie looked at him curiously.

Riff answered, "Nowhere! I was just a little...hungry."

"Let me make you something. How about a sandwich?"

"Why, thank you. I would love a sandwich."

He then went into the living room, where Mr. Dinkles watched him, "He's toying with me. He's gonna chop me up into a million pieces! He's gonna cook me! He's gonna wear me!"


"Wait a minute. Calm down. This is Biggie you're talking about. You've known him long enough. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He's a sweetheart."


"Oh, no! I've got Stockholm Syndrome. I've fallen in love with my captor!"

Biggie came back in with the sandwich, "It's chopped liver."



Riff then saw with horror that Biggie had a red substance on his hands.

He then said, "You know what? I just realized I'm not hungry. I should probably just go back to bed."

He then weirdly went up, backing away slowly, knocking down a couple of things along the way.


Biggie was even more curious.


About an hour later, Riff decided to check out a room he saw Biggie sneaking out of.

When he reached for the knob, however, "What are you doing?"

Biggie was behind him.

Riff said, "Oh, is this not the bathroom? My mistake. I thought this was the bathroom."

Biggie suspiciously said, "Do not go in there."

Riff said, "I wouldn't dream of it."

Biggie then said, "If you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to."

When he left, Riff said, "'I have some business to attend to'. That's what a murderer says before he kills! Wait, or was it 'Get in the van'? Nope. It's 'I have some business to attend to'."

He then heard chopping.

He snuck to the entrance of the kitchen and saw something horrific.

Two shadows; One of Biggie and the other of what looks like another Troll.

Biggie starting stabbing the poor Troll with Riff watching horrendously!

When he stopped, Riff said, "That poor guy. Well, at least it's over."

But then, Biggie started up a chainsaw!

Riff screamed.


Riff raced back to the room.

Biggie went to check on him.

Riff was reading the newspaper, "Can I help you?"

Biggie answered, "I thought I heard you downstairs."

Riff said, "Nope. Just been here, reading the paper."

However, he showed the murderer headline.

Riff quickly tossed it away, "Yesterday's news."

Biggie offered to make him some tea, which Riff accepted.

Biggie then left to do just that.

Riff decided if he was gonna find any evidence to turn him in, he would have to go into the forbidden room.

However, once he went in, he was horrified.

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