Chapter One

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I took a deep breathe before stepping out into the frigid January air to start my daily routine. Begging for food from 8am 'til 12pm, then walking 14 blocks desperately looking in all the nooks and crannies for a job. I shoved my dry and cracking hands into my worn coat and started walking down the ice encrusted sidewalk.

"Addison" I heard Shane call out to me. I turned around to look at the blonde haired boy that shouted to me. "Where do you think your going without saying hello to your favorite person in the universe" he exclaimed quite sassily whilst putting his hands on his hips. A little chuckle escaped my lips.

I guess you could say that I considered Shane a friend because he was the only one that could put up with my stubbornness. "Well.. about the whole 'favorite person in the universe' I found someone else that I like loads better. So I've got to get going to go meet him, so farewell and I won't see you around" I said playing around with his emotions a bit.

His wind burned cheeks slowly started changing from carefree to heartbroken. He looked like I had just kicked a puppy. Shane then started to turn around to walk away. "Wait" I called out "you do know I didn't mean that. I was just joking". Shane whipped around and yelled to the Heavens "I knew it! She would never leave me".

When he finally looked at me again I saw this dangerous glint in his eyes that I knew all to well. He was about to give me something that he knew I would refuse. He of all people should know that I don't take from friends. Before he could even open his mouth to say a word I shot out a quick 'no'. "But Addy you never let me give you
anything. Let me give you something only this once, then I promise to never give you anything again. Think of this as a late Christmas present" Shane said with a pleading look.

"Fine. But only this once" I said very reluctantly. He gave me a quick 'I'll be right back' look and started running down the sidewalk. Pounding footsteps greeted me not twenty seconds later. In his hands held a velvety, very expensive looking winter jacket with matching gloves. "I can't except these" I said quietly while petting the soft fabric. "Yes you can because you already agreed to it" Shane said with a hint of a smirk.

I slipped on the jacket first, relishing in the fact the fabric was warmer than I would have expected it to be. Oh so carefully sliding on the gloves, my aching hands were glad for the sudden warmth. I gave Shane a tight hug before turning on my heel in search of food. For once I was glad I gave in just this once.


Four months later I was laying down in my little hut attempting to go to sleep after a very unsuccessful day. No one was home or seemed to be avoiding me for some strange reason. Did they know it was my birthday? Were they thinking I would want some special treatment or something out of the ordinary? I have no idea and I cant think on an empty stomach.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw a figure walking towards me. I sat up now suddenly alert. It was a very muscular man that seemed to want to talk to me. The man spoke in a deep, rough voice. "I have come to collect you to fill in the position of our Alpha".

Wait what?!

A/N This is my first book so please don't hate and please try to refrain from correcting any spelling errors. thanks so much!


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