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Mina: welllll, since sensei cant really talk about himself...
Momo: were going to do it for him!
Jiro: remind me why u have to be here?
Momo: *booping her nose* oh hush.

Uraraka: as you you can see, this is an erasermic in its natural habitat Tsu: yes, kero kero, an erasermic in this great condition is a rare find, kero keroToru: as you can see-Aizawa: if you do not get out of tge staffroom in the next five seccon...

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Uraraka: as you you can see, this is an erasermic in its natural habitat
Tsu: yes, kero kero, an erasermic in this great condition is a rare find, kero kero
Toru: as you can see-
Aizawa: if you do not get out of tge staffroom in the next five secconds, you'll be out of the hero course faster then you can say plus ultra
Hizashi: and give me my book back!

*later that night*
Hizashi: so, shota, what do you think of erasermic?

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