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The female hopped out of the Uber and walked into the Spanish Harlem neighborhood.

    She rolled her eyes at the location of the very chaotic atmosphere and sighed.

“Of course she would choose a very ghetto area to stay in...” She mumbled.

      A couple of sanctioned niggas walked towards her and smirked licking their lips at the younger female in front of them.

“You looking good mamas.... How old are you?” One of the guys asked.

    “21” She answered blandly not even wanting to be around those dudes at all. “I turn 22 in September.” 

“What's with the attitude shorty? I'm not even gonna do shit to you!” the brown skinned short male replied to her.

    “I'm sorry...I'm just annoyed right now and you're not making it any better.” She replied turning her heels and walking towards the direction that she was instructed to head towards on her Google maps.

“Wait! Do you at least have a sister?” the guy desperately asked making her plug in her air pods and walk even faster.

      Trust me, you wouldn't even want her in the first place with her annoying ass.

She finally found the place fifteen minutes later and buzzed herself in using the intercom.

     “Who is it?” the voice belonging to Rhea asked.

“Come downstairs and open the door! You'll see who it is.” The girl answered making Rhea sigh.

    “FINE! But if I lose this round on Street Fighters, imma get somebody boom your ass for wasting my time.” Rhea muttered making her laugh.

Fifteen minutes later the door was unlocked  and Rhea looked at her with ease and then a big bright smile crept up her lips as she went over to hug the girl.

      “It's been so long since I've seen you!! Holy shit snacks!!” She gushed engulfing the girl in a bear hug.

“AIGHT! AIGHT! CHILL!!” She shouted only for her to be pulled upstairs by Rhea herself.

     I forgot about how strong her ass was. Then again, I haven't been in New York in a hot ass minute.

They went upstairs onto the fifth floor as Rhea unlocked the door and giddily entered the apartment complex.

    “Guess who decided to drop by?!” Rhea excitedly answered as Nirvana and Rheme gave her a look telling her to just answer the question.

“Hi'aka. You can come in now.” She stated making lighter skinned girl sheepishly enter in the apartment.

     The girls looked at her in awe as they saw the younger sister of Imani in the flesh.

They were happy (well, not all of them were exactly happy) to see the Floridian native visit them again but they were confused on why she came this time.

   Not to mention that the last time she was here, she had a nasty, tearful falling out with her older sister. They didn't want a repeat of that happening again.

    “Does Imani even know that you're here?” Alcmene asked slightly glaring at her.

“Nope. But she's gonna have to speak to me one way or another.” Hi'aka replied with a slight twang of attitude.

       “Why are you even back in New York in the first place?” Alcmene sneered whipping her weave to the back of her neck. “I thought it was established that Imani don't wanna see you anymore.”

“Girl bye! Do you even have an actual job besides sucking every rapper's dick and being all up in Imani ass crack?” Hi'aka snapped.

     “It's not even any of y'all's business why I came here, but I'm here and it's only for a short amount of time and it's something private in a familial matter.” She gritted exaggerating the “familial matter” part towards Alcmene.

“Is Imani even here?” She asked looking at Rhea.

    “She went to go do something ‘very important’ so it's gonna be a couple of hours until she comes back.” Rheme answered her.

“Alrighty then...” Hi'aka mumbled plopping herself onto the couch. “I guess I'm gonna be here for a couple hours until she brings her ass here.”

      Nirvana's phone buzzed as a text from Imani was just sent to her.

“Actually, she's near the house.” She corrected Rheme.

     “Acabemos con esta mierda para poder regresar a Florida el jueves.” Hi'aka muttered under her breath.

Imani then unlocked the door and then saw that her younger sister was chilling with Rhea in the living room which made her blood boil.

    “What the fuck is she doing here?!” Imani growled at the youngest roommate.

“She told me that she wanted to see you for something important.” Rhea answered.

      “Hi'aka said that it important familial matters....I guess.” She added on going to her room, dapping up Hi'aka before going on her phone and heading out, giving them privacy to talk.

“I thought you and the family were too good to see me, little miss insta dancing queen....” Imani barked crossing her arms against her chest and glaring at her sister.

     “You are mad annoying, oh my fucking god!” Hi'aka groaned. “I only came here because I wanted to check up on you.”

“That's bullshit and you know it. Mami wanted you to check up on me because she couldn't bring herself to do it since she's too embarrassed to be seen with the likes of me.” She mumbled.

     “Bro! Just be glad I at least came to see how you're doing after the incident with Indigo!” She bellowed.

“Because, honestly....”

     A hard slap was delivered towards Hi'aka's face as the younger girl was holding onto her stinging face in utter shock.

“I thought I told you that I didn't want to see your face ever again. I don't know why you continuously mock me by repeatedly showing up to my house and just talking about how amazing you're doing.” Imani chide.

    “You just want to see me at my lowest point and then you go report back to the family about my personal life so that they can judge me and chastise me like they usually do and then they go back to talking about how perfect you are because you do your little two steps and upload it online and the world eats it up!”

“Well I'm not buying it! So just get out and don't visit me ever again!!!” Imani said roughly throwing her out of the apartment.

    Hi'aka then sighed and then texted Imani one last thing before she left the house.

Mami has passed on but I understand if you don't care too much about it.

     Meanwhile Imani locked the door and went to go inside of Alcmene's room.

She wanted to get her anger out of her system and she was slightly aroused from getting her nails done and her hair laid.

      She saw that Alcmene was fast asleep which made her scream out into the pillow next to her and huff out loud.

It's like every single time her sister comes around, shit can't ever go her way.

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