Oracle Bones

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Jungkook was tired once again. He had returned to the garden the previous night only to find the gate securely shut. After much deliberation he decided to try opening it anyways, but it was locked tight. The king wasn't looking for visitors that night, he supposed.

It was Jungkook's day off at least. Seokjin hadn't been in contact with him since offering to help him escape, so Jungkook figured it would be best to go to the market with Taehyung and Jimin, rather than seeking him out.

The business district was much different than where Jungkook was used to, with wealthier patrons milling around, purchasing richly dyed fabrics and exotic food items. Reaching into his pocket Jungkook felt the coins he had been saving. Not much to the average customer of that market, but to Jungkook it was a fortune. The money he had spent previously had been Seokjin's, but this time it was all his.

Taehyung suddenly grabbed Jungkook's shoulder. "Look! It's the fortune teller from before!" he cried, pointing a finger at a man in a roughly constructed stall. He was deeply absorbed in a book, but it wasn't like any Jungkook had ever seen... then again he was illiterate and could only read a few words and write his name.

"Let's go!" Jimin suggested, pushing the two others towards the booth. The man looked up from his book.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" he inquired with a dimpled smile.

"Three fortunes please!" Jimin answered.

"Three? What kind?"

"Ahhh..." Jimin glanced at Taehyung and Jungkook. "Taehyungie and I tried palmistry last time. What else do you have?"

"Glad you asked!" The fortune teller rummaged around in a box before bringing out a giant piece of bone, marked with strange writing. "This is a type of divination the Chinese use frequently. 'Oracle bones' they call it. I've become quite proficient in this art actually."

"And how exactly does it work?" Taehyung inquired curiously.

With a boyish grin the fortune teller whipped out a hot poker. All three men jumped back at the sight, and Jungkook's bangs were slightly singed.

"I apply this to the bone until it cracks!"

Jungkook had to admit, that did peak his interest. "How much?"

"50 pieces."

"WHAT?" the men shouted in disbelief.

"That's a week's pay..." Taehyung said, a pout crossing his face.

The fortune teller hmphed. "Well I have to make a living too, you know."

Jungkook laid 150 pieces on the table. "I'll pay for all of us."

Jimin and Taehyung gasped. "Jungkookie you don't-"

"It's fine guys, I've got it," he reassured them. As much as it pained him to feel the weight lighten in his pocket, Jungkook knew that in the near future, he would either be rich... or dead. Might as well spend what he could then.

First was Jimin. After examining the cracks in the bone the fortune teller announced "You'll soon run into trouble, but fear not, a good friend has your back. As for prosperity... that's either really good or really bad, I can't remember how to tell."

Next was Taehyung. The fortune teller was much quicker with his fortune. "Beware of mice. I don't know why but just beware them ok? As for health... you'll be fine as long as you avoid dates."

"Not too hard then," Jimin joked, jabbing Taehyung in the side. Taehyung scowled and rubbed his side.

"He meant the fruit and you know it," Taehyung shot back. He glanced at the fortune teller, who only gave him a shrug.

"Take it how you will."

Finally it was Jungkook's turn.

With a sharp crack the bone split. Anticipation coursed through Jungkook as he watched the fortune teller analyze the symbols. It took much longer than the others for the man to shout, "Aha! Got it. Ok, so..." The fortune teller trailed off, his dimpled smile vanishing. "Um..."

"What is it?" Jungkook asked, peering at the cracked bone.

"It's just... I can't be reading this right."

"What does it say?"

With a grim look on his tanned features, the man replied "Death. And a painful one. It's not clear why, but an aura of death surrounds you. Be careful in the coming days... if not for yourself, then for others."


The words haunted Jungkook that night as he laid awake in his bed.


What could that fortune possibly mean? It wasn't like Jungkook could trust some old bones to tell his future though, right?

Finally, after tossing and turning, he made up his mind. Throwing on his old hanbok, Jungkook went to the one place he felt he would find answers.

The gate was open. And inside waited the blond

"Ah, Jungkook," the king greeted him, a light glinting in his eye. "I've been waiting for you."

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