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Everyone (except those who disliked Ink) was devastated when the Destroyer murdered the Creator.

At least, that's what people said. No one actually knew what happened, only the two involved (Ink and Error).

Error hurt Ink more than he ment to, he thought Ink had more HP than he did. That's how he accidentally killed Ink.

Ink was turning to dust, it was slow but noticeable.

He ran to the others preoccupied with fighting.

Error screamed at then to stop with Ink's body in his arms.

"I dIdN't MeAn To! I dIdN't! I rEaLlY dIdN't!" He screamed to the approaching Sanses. It was sincere, he really meant it.

. . .

There was nothing anyone could've done, Ink was dead.

. . .

To keep something of Ink's with him, he took his scarf and a handful of his dust, he replaced his scarf with Ink's and his dust in a oval-shaped silver locket.

Now a piece of Ink is always with him. Yet he was unaware of that Ink's consciousness also came with him wherever he went, which was nowhere, he hasn't left the Antivoid since the 'funeral'.

Sorry it's so short, I just want to get to Ink('s ghost) talking to Error, that'll be chapter 1

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