Part 1

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This is our (me and my best friend's) first fanfiction, so constructive criticism would be appreciated as long as you're nice! :)

"So, do you all know what you're dressing up as for Halloween?" Sealand began enthusiastically.

"It's April, you twat," Ladonia snapped, rolling his eyes. The gang of micronations was seated outside on Wy's porch, sheltering themselves from the drizzling rain that had stubbornly refused to let up all day. The group had had no choice but to sit as close to the outside world as they could get and chatter aimlessly until they ran out of subject matter.

"That doesn't mean we can't start planning early!" Sealand insisted.

Thankfully, Wy cut in before the conversation got out of hand. "Oh, hush, you two. We don't need to hear you bickering all the time, right, Seborga?"

"I think they're fine! Anybody in the mood for pasta, or is it just me?" The Italian micronation was seated on a wooden bench with his chin resting on both hands.

"I was trying to think of an art-related costume. Something red, maybe?" Kugelmugel mused.

"Like... A devil?" Wy said, her brow furrowed.

"You mean the ones you see in those sh**** haunted houses? With all the fake blood and stuff?" Molossia suggested sourly.

At those words, the slightest spark of an idea lit itself in Sealand's 12-year-old brain. The ideology that was constantly circulating in his head, controlling many of his actions, was that he wanted to become a country. The other "real" nations never took him seriously. Half of the time they could hardly remember who he was, let alone recognize him as one of them! There had to be ways to make sure that they would never forget Sealand again, and his friends had just given him a scheme that would undoubtedly be a solution. It was time to take drastic measures.

"What do you guys think of pranks?" he said. His falsely innocent grin was enough to make most of the other micronations uneasy. They had witnessed the extent his jokes could go to before and weren't anxious to see that level of chaos again.

"They're... alright, I suppose?" Kugelmugel shifted in his chair, nervously glancing around.

"Good! I think you might've given me an idea as to what we're going to do for Halloween this year!" Sealand exclaimed. "But we're going to need a lot of help!"

By May, Sealand had managed to rope both Ukraine and all his micronation friends into his increasingly complicated, devious plot without letting any other countries find out about it. Ukraine was kind enough to take Sealand seriously, so he treated her as an older sister and often called her to talk in their free time.

"So, what I'm thinking is that we can stage a world meeting on Halloween day! We'll get everybody to come to the fake meeting, but some of them will be in on the prank, you know, the fun countries, like pretty much anybody other than Britain, then we'll scare the pants off the nations who don't know! It'll be like a haunted house!" the British micronation was babbling to his companions as they looked at him with expressions of horror.

"That's dark! I didn't know you had that in you, Sealand!" Ladonia said, his skin paler than usual.

Sealand giggled. "You'd be surprised! I've done a lot of weird things to try to get other countries to notice me!"

"What did you do to get Miss Ukraine to acknowledge you?" Wy inquired.

"Oh, she was just nice enough to say hello when I snuck into a world meeting, then she asked me who I was and I told her! She's been my friend since then!"

Why Sealand Can't Plan a Prank (And Why  You Shouldn't Let Belarus Help Him)Where stories live. Discover now