Part 9

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Despite also having a kind and relatively lenient lover, Prussia was not having as easy a time being forgiven as Finland.

"I'm so sorry, Birdie, I didn't want to scare you, it was just a prank for Halloween!"

"Oh, that is not even close to a good enough apology!" Canada whisper-shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Prussia. "I thought you were dead! I'm going to have nightmares for weeks, and I'm sure I'm not the only one! Do you know how awful that was? Can you even imagine how I felt? How you made me feel? I don't—" he stopped, his eyes filling with tears "—I don't want to lose you again!"

At that confession, Prussia wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, trying to be comforting while also fighting back tears himself. "Oh, Birdie, I never meant to make you feel like you were alone, or... or forgotten... I never, ever want to leave you! I won't, I swear!" he crooned, running a hand through Canada's golden hair.

"Don't. Don't you dare," the Canadian personification threatened, though it wasn't exactly fear-inspiring since he was both incredibly quiet and clearly overjoyed to have his partner back.

Prussia became completely smitten all over again. "I did make a promise, didn't I?"

Japan clutched Greece's shoulders, trying to keep himself upright as Greece's crushing embrace threatened to topple the lighter nation.

"Do you want to talk about this, Greece?" he asked softly.

He felt the Greek's hold on him tighten before he answered, "Before I had you... I had nothing. When you left, I thought... I thought I had nothing again. I was so scared."

It was all Japan could do to keep himself from crying as Greece cut off, bursting into silent sobs. Japan could feel tears soaking the seams of his shirt but couldn't bring himself to care. He gently rubbed Greece's back as he wept, taking broken, shuddering breaths himself.

"It's alright. I'm here now. I'll give you the whole world if you ask me to," he whispered, "You will never have nothing, not while I am here."

Greece's tears were still a hindrance to his speech, so much so that Japan almost missed his solemn, sincere "Thank you."

He buried his face in Greece's shoulder and cried until neither had any tears left.

While his fellow nations were granted their own happy endings, Denmark was having a rather different experience.

"You idiot. You honestly thought this would be a good idea? Making me think that you were dead?" Norway's voice was cold as ice, his face lacking any expression.

Denmark found a sudden interest in his shoes.

"I asked you a question, Dane, why did you think it was a good idea?" Norway snarled, clenching his fists till his knuckles were pure white.

Denmark indignantly responded, "I thought it would be funny. I mean, it kind of was." (Wow, this man is an idiot.)

Norway glared ferociously at him, then held up his hand to display the purplish bruises that were spreading up its side. Denmark's eyes became very wide.

"Norge, what happened? Are you okay?"

"I got these from repeatedly hitting my fist against the glass that separated us while I screamed your name as I watched you drown. You drowned, Den. I was so sure you were gone! I was so frightened and alone without you... I know you enjoy joking around and pranking me, but— but this? This broke me." Norway gazed imploringly at his boyfriend. He generally held his emotions back but now didn't seem like the time to revert to his old habit.

Denmark's proud mask melted into sympathy and regret. He took Norway's damaged hand as cautiously as he could and pressed several tender kisses to his damaged palm.

"Oh, my Norge, I never wanted you to get hurt, your heart or your body. I love you more than anything in the world!" he gushed.

Norway exhaled. How was he supposed to reprimand a person who was so annoyingly cute? Not to mention sincere and caring and— Alright, Nor, stop that train of thought right there! You're supposed to be teaching him a lesson, the Norwegian reminded himself. He couldn't bear to see any more pain on the Dane's face, though, so he extricated his hand from Denmark's grip and cupped his cheek.

"I'm sorry for getting so angry, Den. What you did was only a joke. I just— I love you too. If anything like that really happened to you..."

He pulled Denmark into a long embrace, which his partner enthusiastically returned.

"I know it must've been tough for you to see, Nor. But it won't ever happen."

Instead of giving a verbal acknowledgment, Norway broke off the hug and kissed Denmark's forehead, then, finding that it wasn't enough, his nose, cheeks, and finally his lips.

"Am I going to have to sleep on the couch, Norge?" Denmark asked when they eventually broke apart.

"I'll think about it."

Lithuania could only gape at Poland, who was watching him with an unusual shyness as his hands fidgeted behind his back. The silence between them lasted an awkwardly long time until Lithuania finally broke it.

"Why?" he wanted to know, taking both of Poland's hands in his own and feeling the familiar, cool reassurance of their wedding band on the Pole's ring finger.

"Um, like, happy Halloween?" the blonde peeped, for once at a loss for words.

The hesitant answer drew an unexpected laugh from Lithuania. He drew his husband into a gentle hug.

"I can't believe you're alive. I was so sure... you were gone again," he confided as he pulled away, tucking Poland's honey-colored locks behind his ear.

Almost as if to prove that he was in fact there, Poland hooked his arms around Lithuania's neck and gave him a quick peck. As he pulled back, though, his husband leaned forward to keep his lips on Poland's, needing more than a single kiss. When the embrace ended nearly a minute later, both were thoroughly breathless, hearts jackhammering with matching rhythms. Realizing the situation, Poland's cheeks became a brilliant red and he covered his face with the lengthy sleeves of his jacket.

"I, like, totally forgot how many people were here," he squeaked.

Lithuania burst into laughter a second time and nuzzled his head into Poland's silken hair. A soft, natural peace descended over them, Lithuania's breath stirring Poland's tresses slightly, Poland giving a satisfied sigh and listening to his beloved's steady pulse carry on beneath his ear.

"Don't leave again, Polska, please," Lithuania pleaded in a hushed voice.

"I, like, promised you I wouldn't, so I won't. Trust me, there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be than with you."

Lithuania bit back tears as Poland went on, "Because I love you, my Lietuva, I'll say it, like, as many times as you need to hear it. I love you, I love you and I'll love you till the whole world ends."

And for the first time in too long, Lithuania found himself believing those words.

Thoroughly exhausted, the nations finally were allowed home after a grueling day of terror and never-ending angst. It had been one hell of an emotional (and physical) rollercoaster ride, but they were all together again, their bonds stronger than ever. They would always run out of patience with each other now and again, but that special Halloween had reminded them that they would never run out of love--till death did they part.

. . .

Despite that sweet fairytale ending, rumor has it that Denmark is still sleeping on the couch to this day (so are Prussia and Spain)...

It may be July, but it's never too early to wish all our lovely readers a Happy Halloween and a very Spooky Spooktober! Thank you so much for bearing with us and somehow getting to the end of the hot garbage pile of gayness that is this fic. We adore you all!

Why Sealand Can't Plan a Prank (And Why  You Shouldn't Let Belarus Help Him)Where stories live. Discover now