Part 8

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The 11 nations sat around the table for at least an hour, consoling each other as best they could. Hope seemed to have fled along with their patience. Where was that demon? Why couldn't it just end their lives already instead of leaving them to suffer?

Unexpectedly, there was a distinct clicking noise on the other side of the door like that of keys turning in a lock. Said door was flung open, revealing Sealand, Ukraine, and Belarus. They stalked forward, their movements eerily synchronized as though they were part of some kind of hive mind.

"So you made it!" the trio enthused in unison.

The rest of the nations eyed them warily, several assumed fighting stances.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you!" Belarus, Ukraine, and Sealand chorused.

"In fact, we have a really big surprise for you!" Sealand informed them jovially.

Ukraine beamed, a genuine smile this time, and cheered, "Happy Halloween!"
A silhouette appeared in the doorway, standing tall and proud.

"SURPRISE!" America shouted, sprinting towards Russia and enveloping him in a massive hug.

Russia instinctively embraced him, incredulously asking, "You're alive?"

America pulled away with a huge grin. "Duh! I'd never just leave you like that! The hero is invincible!"

Britain and Canada were gaping at him from across the room, so America ran over to them and pulled them into a hug as well.

"Look alive, dudes!" he yelled into their ears with no regard for his ridiculous volume. "I'm back!"

"America... if you're here, then does that mean..." Britain faltered, knowing that the burning question on the tip of his tongue would only serve to embarrass him.

Yet another voice piped up from the doorway, this one sounding rather nervous.

"Uh, hello, Angleterre," France greeted, confirming the Brit's suspicions.

(His head was attached to his body this time, thank goodness.)

"France!" The singular word was filled with so much emotion that no one could quite tell what Britain was thinking.

He approached France, who was looking increasingly frightened. As soon as he got within a foot of the Frenchman, however, he launched himself forward and held onto his lover for dear life. As Britain pulled away, France seemed to be overcoming his initial shock and leaned down to kiss him. Britain showed no resistance and the embrace lasted long enough to make most of the people in the room very uncomfortable.

The two finally separated, leaning their foreheads together, and Britain softly told his oldest friend, "You are in so. Much. Trouble."

France laughed awkwardly. "I suppose I should have expected that."

"Yes, you should have."

France tucked a curl of hair behind his ear and prompted, "By the way, now would be a good time to ask me."

Britain leaped back, stunned, and stuttered, "Y-you know?"

"But of course!" France declared.

After several moments of hesitation, Britain turned extraordinarily red, got down onto one knee and withdrew a small box from his pocket. Gasps echoed around the room. Canada grabbed America's arm; both appeared shocked.

"France," Britain began, apparently struggling to find words, "I know we haven't always gotten along... and after what you did today, we won't be doing much 'getting along' for quite some time, believe me."

Why Sealand Can't Plan a Prank (And Why  You Shouldn't Let Belarus Help Him)Where stories live. Discover now