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[A/N: Hi there! :D So this is the first chapter of this story and well yeah it's Larry. I'm sorry, but I'm Larry af so haha.

Any ways, I got the idea for this story and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Message me some ideas for new stories or some prompts for one shots or preferences. Comment your constructive criticism and encouragement. Thanks guys!


How and when did you become a Directioner/fan of the boys?

I think for me it was when this girl in my class was watching the X-Factor and she kept talking about them in class and at school. At first I was like meh when I heard her talking about them, but I gradually started loving them more and more. They're such fucking perfect human beings. So thanks Heather! :)


Finally Found You by Enrique Iglesias (I'm sorry, but I couldn't really think of a song to go with this chappie). :$ :$ :$

Enjoy this chappie! :D

Tanks loves! :D ♥♥♥ :* (((BIG HUG)))

- Love Klaudy xo ♥♥♥]

|°~•••Chapter 1•••~°||

* - - - HARRY'S POV - - - *


The bell rings to signal the end of the last class of the day and I get up slowly, grabbing my books and heading out of the class.

Our teacher stands by the door, handing us our test from the other day. I walk by him and he smiles, shuffling through the stack of papers and hands me my test beaming at me.

"Good job Harry! Always a pleasure to grade your tests. You did very well." He says smiling and I take the test and smile back, noticing an A plus written in green pen.

"Best mark in the class." He whispers to me and I smile.

"Thank-you. Bye Mr. Fischer." I say, sliding the test into my binder.

In the hallway, I walk slowly to my locker taking my time. I don't have to hurry for a bus, I have a car. I'd been saving up money for a while from my job and I'd been able to buy a Range Rover, an awesome car. My cousin that works at the garage helps me take care of it. It's basically my baby.

Grabbing stuff out of my locker, I jump when a locker door slams nearby. Fuck.

"Y'alright there mate? Almost jumped out your skin there." My friend Zayn says, walking up to my locker wearing a bit of a concerned expression on his face.

"Yeah m'fine. Just got startled aha." I say ducking my head as I dig my things out of my locker. Zayn looks at me as if he doesn't quite believe me, but doesn't say anything.

"We still hanging out after school?" Zayn asks as we walk out of the school to the parking lot.

"Yeah, of course. We can watch a movie or play fifa. Whatever you want." I say as we reach my car and I unlock the doors.

"Movie sounds good. Netflix bro, that's my shit. I'm thinking a scary movie, yeah?" Zayn asks me as I start the car and we buckle our seatbelts.

"Awesome, for sure. We'll see what's new and what we can find." I say, steering the car out of the school parking lot.

Zayn turns on the radio, turning it up really high and rolling the windows down a bit.

We drive for a while listening to rap music playing and me laughing at Zayn rapping along with it. This is why Zayn and I are friends. I literally come home from school every day with my stomach hurting because of him making me laugh so hard.

STEP BROTHERS (LARRY STYLINSON)Where stories live. Discover now