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We promised each other that we will love and support each other till the end. How could you break our promise jimin?

You forgot to wear your wedding ring again. Did you really forget or it is intentional? So now you despise our wedding.

You said that you have dance practice today but did you forget jimin, it's Thursday which means you don't have any dance class today.
But I guess I will have to go with your excuses if you want me to.

Why is it so hard for you to say goodbye atleast? Before we use to greet each other lovingly but now you don't even say a normal 'bye' to me.

Do I really deserve this?


"Hello jungkook" Atleast you called me. So can I hope something. Do you remember me jimin?

"I will come home late. I will go to my friend's place." So yet again it's him. I know very well jimin why you are using that excuse. I know you will be with him. But if you want me to believe in your lies, I will.

"Okay, do you want me to pick you up ?" I still try with the faintest hope I have. But i know it will be crushed into pieces by you.

"No, I will tell me friend to drop me off. Don't bother yourself." I know he will jimin but I just wanted to see you. I just wanted to hold you even if just for a minute or a second, I want to be with you.

"Okay bye"
"Bye, I love you " you didn't even wait for me to finish my sentence. Does 'I Iove you' sound bad coming from me? Why don't you talk to me like you use to jimin?

It hurts jimin. It hurts. I can't do this anymore. I feel dead inside. You killed me jimin.


"Hyung, it hurts. I can't see him with somebody else hyung."

"Talk with him. It might not be what you think jungkook "

"It is hyung. He doesn't love me anymore."

"Don't cry jungkook." Jin hyung's words always gives me some amount of comfort. He is the only one who understands me truly.

"I should get going hyung. It's getting late."

"Jungkook, you can stay if you want. Let's have dinner together."

"No hyung, I don't want to bother you anymore. And jimin must be-" I stop mid sentence as I realise what I was just gonna say. I just forgot that he is not home. He is not the jimin I loved.

"Jungkook" Jin hyung noticed what I was about to say. I just gave him a sad smile and exited his house.

The night is peaceful as always. Seeing the stars shining in the dark sky reminds me of my days with Noona. We use to lay on the grass and stargaze. I was always very happy at that time but as time went by my happiness didn't last long.

Noona died because of an accident, my parents were already dead when I was just a child. Noona was the one who raised and took care of me. But unfortunately God didn't want me to be happy so he took her away.

I became hopeless after noona's death; I wanted to give up but then someone came and saved me. He brought me to light from the darkness. He loved me and gave me a reason to live. But now again god is taking him away from me.

I guess I can never be happy. This is my fate.

I parked my car and entered the house.
It feels strange. The house where we have all our sweet memories. This house always felt cozy and comfortable but now it all feels strange to me.

The lights are still off which means jimin has not returned yet.

Should I wait for him?

Anyways it won't make a difference, will it?

With a heavy heart I drifted to sleep keeping in mind the hell I will wake up in tomorrow.

To be continued.

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