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It's been 1 week and jimin hasn't contacted me once. Has he moved on so quickly? Does he even remember me now?

Why will he remember me now? He has someone else to remember now. I should be contented with what is left. I know I don't have much but I should be still happy atleast.

It's hard but I will not give up. I can't give up so easily. I have to change myself for the better.


"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Yoongi hyung, my manager asked me.

"Of course I want to do this. We are already divorced so what's the point of hiding it. Make the announcement through the media.
And do it quickly because I don't know when they might get married."

"Jungkook, are you really okay?"

"Yes I am hyung. I have to be okay. Don't worry about me I am fine."

"Don't overdo yourself. Take everything slowly."

"I am hyung."

I am planning to do the announcement of our spilt up. I want to make him free from everything. As his now boyfriend or lover is also a famous person, we will have to reveal our divorce to prevent any false rumours.


"Hyung I am fine." I came to Jin hyung's house to have dinner and he won't stop asking me if I am alright? I said I am fine multiple times but he is still unconvinced.
Maybe he can sense that I am not alright.
I mean he knows me since I was just 12, so he knows what I am feeling.

"Jungkook don't keep it to yourself. You can share it with me."

I give up now. I can't keep this fake smiling face anymore. I can't keep it to myself anymore.

My tears started falling as I was slowly breaking down. Jin hyung brought me to his embrace and rubbed my back to comfort me.
His embrace is warm it reminds of my mom.

"Let it out jungkook."

"Hyung it hurts. I feel hurt. I loved him hyung. I really did. He too said that he loved me than why did he leave me? We promised each other that we will love each other till the end but he broke our promise. He said I am the only one for him than why did he leave me for that taehyung?"

"I know, I know."

"Hyung he doesn't love me anymore. He has someone else now."

"Why did he do that hyung? Was I not good enough. I did everything I could but he still chose him over me."

"Our marriage didn't mean anything to him hyung. He forgot me."

My tears are wetting Jin Jin hyung's entire shoulder.

"Its alright. You will find someone else."

"I don't want someone else hyung. I want him."

"Jungkook sleep you need rest."

My eyes became heavy and I slowly drifted to sleep in Jin hyung's embrace.


"So will you go?"

"Do you think I can see him in the altar getting married to someone else? I am not going. Throw that invitation away."


So, he decided to get married. It's been 2 months of our divorce and he is already getting married to him.

Our marriage really didn't mean anything to him.

And he really had the audacity to invite me for the wedding.

What does he get by doing this?

What does he get by hurting me again and again?

My hate for him is slowly rising as time is going by. And I can't help it. I am not the kindhearted type of person. I became kind because of one reason and that was jimin.

But now that reason doesn't exist so why should I act kind? I will be the same cold-hearted person I was before.

"Shut the hell up and do your work properly or else you are getting fired."

"But sir-"

"I said out, now."

"Okay sir."

I saw my secretary going out of my office crying but do I care? Obviously not.

"Why did scold her, jungkook?"

"Because she didn't do her work properly."

"But you shouldn't be that harsh."

"I will do whatever I want hyung. Don't give me any advices."

"Okay" Yoongi hyung exited my office with a frown on his face.

To be continued.

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