13- Happily Ever After

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Becas POV
"She's not gonna run Beca just calm down." Stacie said trying to hold in her laughter.
"You know your a pretty terrible maid of honor. Your literally laughing at a very stressed out bride." I deadpanned. "It really isn't helpful."
"Yeah I know and I'm sorry." Stacie said still giggling. "Why you're stressed is such a silly reason. Chloe loves you so much. She won't stop this wedding like she did with her and Chicago."
      "She's right you know." Jesse said adding the finishing touches to my makeup. "Chloe isn't going anywhere."
     "I feel like Jesse should've been my maid of honer. He's even doing my makeup." I say teasingly.
     "No." Stacie said with a straight face. "I'm closer to you than he is. He just pretended to be your boyfriend for like... you know what never mind."
     "Thought So." Jesse said smugly. "Your makeup is done."
     "Thanks Jess. And thank you Stacie for doing my hair." I add.
     "Which looks great by the way." Jesse said in an extremely gay way.
     "You know I like gay Jesse way more than straight Jesse." Stacie said randomly. "I can't believe you convinced him to act straight for so long."
     "Nether can I." Jesse added to the conversation.
     "Yeah, yeah we get it. My plan was flawed, I know." I deadpanned. "Now help me calm down."
Chloe's POV
      "I'm so excited Bree!" I say happily. "It feels different than with Chicago. This feels right."
      "Ouch. I'm right here you know." Chicago said pretending to be hurt.
     "Says the man who's boyfriend is in my soon to be wife's room." I say playfully.
     "Touché." He said grabbing a hair brush to work on my hair.
     "And before you ask I have no note this time." Aubrey added to the conversation. "Your doing the right thing."
     "I know. I'm so excited." I say bouncing in my seat. "Hey Chic are you still going through with your plan?"
     "Yup. Well that is if he is in the bouquet toss." He said nervously.
    "Jesse is the feminine gay type." Aubrey said. "He'll be part of the bouquet toss."
     "And he will definitely say yes." I say with a giant smile.
     "You ready princess?" My dad asked poking his head through the door. "Beca is already walking."
     "I'm ready." I say linking arms with him.
     My dad lead me to the door that lead to the love of my life. What was once excitement turned into nerves. They all disappeared when I saw a nervous Beca standing in a black dress. I give her a comforting smile and she instantly relaxes. Soon enough I was standing in front of Beca with a big smile. I got lost in her eyes until she was nodding her head.
      "You May say your vows now." The priest said to Beca.
      "They say when you you meet the love of your life time stops. That's exactly what happened to me when I was walking through the quad my freshman year." Beca said slightly tearing up. "We've known each other for years. And I've loved you for just as long. I've always dreamed of this moment but I thought it would never happen yet... here we are. I always thought the happiest day of my life should be the day I moved on. I'm glad I didn't get that far. If I didn't I wouldn't be here. I definitely don't want to be anywhere else. I love you Chloe Beale."
     "Now you may saw your vows." The priest said turning to me.
     "Well now I feel really under prepared because someone decided they wanted to steal my opening." I teasingly say earning a few laughs. "So I'm Uh gonna skip that part and move on. There are two big differences between this wedding and the one I was going to have. The first one is the person standing opposite of me. The second is that this one feels right. I felt something if the pit of my stomach walking down the aisle the first time. I thought it was nerves but now I know it was my gut telling me I was wrong. But this time I felt butterflies. Because seeing you made me so happy. I know this is right. I love you so much Beca Mitchell."
     "I know pronounce you Beca and Chloe Mitchell. Without further ado You May Now kiss the bride." He said.
     Me and Beca smiled before we shared a sweet kiss. We pulled apart with wide smiles before walking down the aisle hand in hand.
Becas POV
     "Okay this is the part where we throw the bouquet." I say smiling. "And Jesse before you ask yes you can't participate."
     Jesse smiles before doing a goofy dance and joining the girls. I smirk at Chloe before getting ready to throw. I prepared for the throw before turning around and walking over to Jesse and handing it to him. He gave me a confused look until Chicago came into view.
     "Jesse Swanson you make me so happy." Chicago started smiling. "I want to keep this short and sweet. I love you with all I am. Will you marry me?"
     "Yes." Jesse said smiling before bringing Chicago in for a kiss.
     "Go Cheese!" I yelled along with the cheers.
     "Cheese?" Jesse asked with a puzzled look.
     "It's your ship name. Me and Chloe have one which is Bechloe. So we made you and Chicago one." I say casually earning a laugh from Chicago.
     "Hey Becs." Chloe said joining me on the couch.
     Our wedding was about a year ago. Lately we've been trying to have a baby. We've tried sperm donors three times but decidedly have a break from trying since they've all been proven unsuccessful.
     "Hey baby. What's up?" I ask looking up from my laptop.
     "I have this." Chloe said handing me a letter. "Just read it and don't ask questions till you're done.
     I opened the envelope and saw Chloe's neat cursive. The date was about a week ago.

January 23, 2021

Dear Beca,
      Man you're really started to rub off on me. I don't know why I'm scared to tell you this. I'm pretty sure you'll be happy. Anyway I'm just going to move on.
     About a week ago I went to the sperm donors we planned. I know you told me to cancel it but something told me not to. I was prepared for the same results we've been getting but something different happened.
     I couldn't believe it. I was so happy I almost screamed but I wanted to tell you in a creative way and this is what I came up with.
Chloe Mitchell

     I looked up at Chloe with wide eyes. Is this really happening? Oh my god.
     "Are you?" I asked looking down at her stomach.
     "Yes." Chloe said with her eyes tearing up.
     "Oh my god." I say quietly. "You're pregnant. We're going to be parents. Oh my god."
     "Are you happy?" Chloe asked hesitantly. "Or are you mad?"
     "Why would I be mad?" I asked with a growing smile. "We're going to be parents! Oh my god!"
     "We're going to be parents!" Chloe said getting more excited. "It worked!"
     "We need to make a room, pick out names. We have so much we need to do." Beca said going into panic mode.
     "Becs baby calm down. We still have nine months." I say slightly laughing. "We have plenty of time."


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