11- The Wait

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Chloe's POV
"What if she doesn't wake up?" I quietly ask Amy.

It's been about a week or two and she's still not awake. I'm so scared. What if she dies. The last thing I said to her was something stupid about options or whatever. I don't even remember. I only said it out of anger. The last conversation we had was some dumb fight over flowers. So what if she doesn't wake up?

"She'll wake up. Don't worry ginger." Amy said calmly and surely. "She'll wake up."

"How do you know that?" I ask with tears in my eyes. "How do you know she'll be okay?"

"Because she loves you. She's not going to leave this world without telling you she loves you one more time." Amy said placing her hand on my shoulder. "She's not gonna end it on a fight."

"I'm still scared." I say barley above a whisper.

"Amy's right you know." Stacie said from the door way. "She's going to make sure she's okay because she doesn't want to hurt you."

"Thanks Stace." I say giving her a hug before taking Becas hand again.

"No problem. The rest of the Bellas are on there way." Stacie informed me.

I gave her a small nod before looking down at Beca. "Please be okay... for me. Just give me a sign you're going to be okay."
Becas POV
Chloe I'm going be okay. I tried getting the words out of my mouth but it wasn't working. I tried to open my eyes but it wasn't working. Nothing was working.

"It's scary isn't it." I hear a female voice sound from inside my head. "All you can see is darkness and it's scary."

"Who's there?" I asked alarmed.

"I might be able to help if you let me." The voice said before instead of black everything was white. There was a large gate as well. "Go on in. There's other people in there."

I started walking towards the gate before I stopped. Something just didn't feel right.

"Where does the gate lead to?" I question the voice.

"That doesn't matter. But it's better over there." The voice urged. "Just go."

"Please be okay... for me. Just give me a sign your gonna be okay." I now hear Chloe softly say to me.

"Except for it does matter. The girl I love is scared shitless because I'm not awake. Sho what's behind the gate?" I say confidently. "Because it matters."

"Congratulations. You passed the first test." The voice said before I was faced with the dark again.

"What test?" I questioned the voice once again. "Hey! What test!?"

I got no reply. I was alone and no one could hear me. I just went back to trying. Trying to say something. Trying to open my eyes. It wasn't working. But I still tried. I had to... for Chloe.
It's been a week. I haven't heard the voice. I haven't been brought back to the gate. I also haven't heard Chloe say anything. I know she's still there. I can feel her holding my hand. I've tried every day to show some sign I was okay.

"Man you must be tired. You e been trying to wake up none stop. I'm quite impressed." I hear a voice again but this time it belonged to a male.

"Who the hell are you?" I say not as surprised as the first time.

"Why don't you take a little rest?" I hear a snap then a bed appears in front of me. "Take a small nap. I promise you'll wake up."

"A nap does sound kinda nice..." I trail off looking at the bed and all of its soft pillows.

"Hey... do you feel like giving me a sign today? Maybe even wake up?" I hear Chloe ask quietly.

"I think I'll pass on the nap." I say quietly. "I need to find a way to give Chloe a sign I'm okay. Thanks anyway."

"You're smarter than a lot of people. The next test won't be as easy." The voice said astonishment.
Chloe's POV
"Hey... has she shown any sign of walking up?" Aubrey asked me softly walking in with several cups of coffee.

"No... not yet. She hasn't moved." I say softly kissing her hand.

"Well on the bright side it's probably the best nap ever." Amy said attempting to make a joke.

"Hey... do you feel like giving me a sign today? Maybe even waking up?" I ask quietly looking down at the small brunette.

That's when I felt it. I froze and looked down at our hands. I gave it a gentle squeeze. She squeezed back. She was gonna be okay. I felt my eyes welling up at the simple action.

"Oh my god Chloe are you okay?" Aubrey quickly asked noticing the tears.

"She squeezed my hand Bree." I say with a small smile. "She's gonna be okay."

"I'll go get the doctors." Stacie said standing up.

"Your gonna be okay." I say softly kissing Becas forehead feeling her squeeze my hand again.
She hasn't done anything besides that one afternoon. The doctors are thinking I imagined it. I don't think I did. She's going to wake up. She has to.

"Okay that's it!" Cynthia-Rose said walking into the room. "You need to get out. You've been in here for weeks."

"But what if she wakes up and I'm not here." I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Just one hour. Nothing can go wrong in an hour. Please. Stacie, Aubrey, and y will all stay." CR said with a pleading look.

I look at Beca then back to CR. I let out a sigh. "Fine one hour. Only one."

"Yes! Let's go." She said practically dragging me out of the building.
Becas POV
It's been another week. I haven't been able to do anything except for that one day. At least I gave her some hope. I'm still trying to wake up. I then felt Chloe's hand leave mine. That's weird she never does that.

"Beca? Baby?" I hear Chloe's voice. I instantly start looking around. "Hey it's okay."

"Chlo?" I ask softly as I see her standing in front of me. "Are you really here?"

"Yeah I am. Why don't you give me a hug?" Chloe asked with her perfect smile.

I ran to hug her. I missed her hugs. This was how I was gonna wake up. Chloe's gonna get me out of this. I was about to make contact when I heard it.


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