Seriously? (KaiSoo)

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Hi:) Sorry it took so long to update. Hope you all enjoy:)

Kim Jongin. He was the most idiotic guy at this school. He was also the most attractive. I frown as I slam my locker shut and head to my Science class. I am so glad its Friday. Then I dont have to see Jongin untill Monday. I open the door and sigh. Of course he was in my class. Every single day I sit in the back of the class and watch his beautiful brown head. Ugh.I admit that I have a crush on him. Okay. Maybe a little more than a crush. But its not serious. I mean how can you not like him? Hes just so perfect. Even if he was a idiot, he made up for it with his looks. His dark skin, pearly white smile, amazing hair. Not to mention he was tall. The dream boy for anyone. Expectually me. Me on the other hand, not. I am short, with big eyes, pasty white skin, chubby cheeks. It also doesnt help that im gay. I blow air out and rest my cheek on my hand. I end up daydreaming and class flies by. With only 20 minutes left, the teacher gets all of our attention.

"Okay. We have a project thats starting. It will be with partner," when she said this everyone looked at their friends, already planing and picking their partners, "but I will be picking them."

Everyones faces fell and the excited chatter stopped.

"The pairs will be," she started to read off names. I was only paying half attention.

"Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin." My eyes flew open wide and Jongin turned around. He stared at me for a second, and my cheeks started to heat up. He smirked and looked away.

"The projoct is due on Monday so you will have to work on it over the weekend." The bell rang and everyone rushed out of the room. I quickly gathered my stuff and brushed by Jongin before he could talk to me. I walked quickly to my locker and start to pull stuff from it into my bag.

"Hey. Your Kyungsoo right?" I turn quickly and lock eyes with Jongin.


"Great." He smiles and my cheels flush again. Stupid. Stupid Kyungsoo. I turn and start walking away.

"W-wait! Kyungsoo!" Once he caught up to me he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"When should we work on the project?" I shake my head and pull my arm out of his grasp.

"Look. Im sure that you have stuff to do over the weekend, so I'll do it and you can put your name on it." I take a step to leave but he reaches out to stop me.

"No I want to help. Are you busy tonight? How about I come over tonight to work on it?" I just stare at him. Is Kim Jongin really saying this?

"Come on. Lets go." I nod and follow him out of school. I lead him to my house and once we get there my stomach is growling.

"Would you like something to eat?" Jongin nods and I start to make ramen. After we eat and were working for a while, Jongin asks for the bathroom. I show him and go back to the kitchen where we were working. My phone started to ring and I picked it up quickly.


"Hi honey! Sorry, but im not coming home tonight. Aunties having a party and I have to stay and help her. Is that okay?"

"Mom. Seriously its fine."

"Okay. Love you sweetie. Byee."

"Love you too."

I hang up and notice Jongin standing in the door way.

"Who was that?" I blush.

"My mom. Shes not going to make it home tonight." He raises his eyebrows and sits next to me.

"Oh." I nod and continue to write. He moves closer to me and I freeze. He keeps moving closer until our legs touch.

"W-what are you doing?" I turn and stare at him and the look in his eyes scare me. They are looking at me with so much lust and my heart starts to beat faster.

"This." He grabbed my face lightly and lowered his lips onto mine. My eyes widened in suprise. He pulled away and looked straight in my eyes.

"W-what? Why-"

"When I asked if you were Kyungsoo earlier, I was lying. I knew you were Kyungsoo." His cheeks turned pink and looked down at his lap.

"I really like you. I have for a long time. I always saw you in the back of class and you never talked to anyone and I thought it was cute."

"Really?" My cheeks are bright red and I cant meet Jongins eyes.

"Yeah." His cheeks are bright red and hes playing with his hands.

"Kyungsoo, will you be my boyfriend?" I looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of a laughter, signaling he was joking but there wasnt.

"Are you serious?" He nodded and looked up at me.

"Then yes. Yes. I will." A huge smile erupts across his face and I smile too. He leans in and kisses me again. It lasts longer than the first kiss but still ends to soon.

"I should go now. Will you be okay by your self?" I nodded.

"I'll come back tomorrow and we can finish the project. Then I'm gonna take you out."

"Okay." I smile again and follow him to the door.

"Bye Kyungsoo." Butterflies erupt in my stomach as he leans down and cups my face with his hands. He presses his lips against mine and this time I kiss him back. It ends sooner than I wish. He runs down the steps and waves back at me once he got to the sidewalk.

"Bye Jongin." I whisper and a smile plays across my lips and I stand out in the cold watching him run down the street.

Thanks for reading:) Please vote, follow, and request:)

~ Luna

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