about me

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Heyo! My name is Jinx, I could tell you my real name since not many know I have wattpad 🤔 eh, ill tell you, but promise you won't tell... my name is Erin UwU, but call me Jinx, I have a YouTube channel called Jinx the stoopid and a joint channel, the UwU squad, I do gacha, but I also love Sanders sides, dance, theater, and zodiac signs, I would also suggest subscribing to the Deathly Erised, she is my biggest inspiration and I met so many wonderful people from her discord, I am a big CrAcKhEaD sooooooooooo.... here's me saying whatever I want: I love guShERs, y'know, it's like a normal fruit snack, but with juice..... also why are unicycles considered weird, it's literally a harder version of a bike, wouldn't that be considered cool? Oki I'm done now, cya later, bai!!!!!!

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