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A/N: This chapter happened on Tuesday, the next week after the practice game of the vball team. The Yeonjun confrontation happened on Wednesday, the same week as the practice game.

Trainings are hard. I kept on making sure that the members of the team are in good condition. We are two weeks away from the Inter-high preliminaries and I feel jittery about it. We still have to play games against the other schools in Seoul, you know? We have to work really hard. Like in the past, I want to bring our team to the Nationals.

When our morning practice ended, Lia and I made our way to class.

"Yeji, did you notice something about Ryujin?"

I gave Lia a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"She seems more interactive, I guess. She even attends the practice regularly."

I smiled. "Yeah. I noticed that, too. I just hope that she can still learn how to trust her teammates."

Ryujin attends practice, but she still doesn't pass or ask for help when she's cornered. She's still reckless. At least she shows up in practice. That's an improvement already.

She also helps our teammates in terms of offense. That's her specialty, okay? Lia also improved her layups, thanks to Ryujin's help.

Lia and I continued to talk that I didn't notice that we're in our class already. Everytime I enter the classroom, I still get startled when I see Yeonjun. After almost a week of skipping classes, he decided to finally attend last Thursday. He doesn't attend the volleyball club activities, though. His teammates are still not here.

Yeonjun is the oldest in our class. He was born a year earlier than most of us. Rumors say he was kicked out in middle school because of beating up someone. That's why his graduation got delayed and had to skip a whole year. No one knows the actual story, maybe except for Soobin.

"Why are you staring at Yeonjun?" Lia asked.

"I-I'm not staring at him!"

Lia laughed. "I see you like the volleyball team's ace."

"As if you didn't stare at Soobin before!"

My point guard friend rolled her eyes. Her cheeks has a visible blush.

"He just happened to be in the range of my sight."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Lia playfully rolled her eyes and just played with her phone.

When I decided to play some games on my phone, my attention diverted to our earlier practice. I am proud to say that everybody is improving. Our coach told me that my half-court three-point shots is really good.  I can say that I have a new weapon for the Inter-high.

Just when I was in the middle of thinking, a few girls in the class screamed.

Here they are. The volleyball team.

I can see the irritated look on Lia's face. Even Yeonjun looked annoyed. Who wouldn't be? The classroom was so peaceful until those guys entered.

My brother, however, looks pleased. Maybe because he knows he's famous and all. For some reason, I want to punch his face.

"Geez. Those girls don't even know how to chill," Lia muttered.

"Oi, Choi Yeonjun, when are you going to show up in trainings?" Jaemin suddenly asked, sitting on Yeonjun's table.

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