Chapter 1: Something to Say

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Emily's POV

Panting, I ran away from Naib, who now had Leo chasing after me.
"H-Hey wait for a second! I-I'm not the blackjack!"
"We aren't even at that part, Emily." he scoffed.
"Y-Yeah but-" I felt a sharp pain hit my back, falling to the ground I saw Leo walking over to me.
"Choose one." He said as he pulled out his cards and placed them on the floor in front of me.
The map was The Red Church and Naib was leaning on one of the rock walls.
"Hmph, okay." I was about to pick the card on the right until I heard something- More like someone.
It was the host.
"Everyone, that means hunters and survivors, please report to the Manor lobby at once."
Huh? The lobby, well that's unusual!" Fiona gushed as she walked over to us with Luchino. "Yeah, so we should go," Michiko added as I hurried to self-heal myself (Michiko was my partner for blackjack).

We all rushed towards the exit and ran to the lobby. "What's going on?" Martha asked as she entered. "On," Mike whispered." Weird, I suddenly have the urge to curb stomp you right this second," she remarked. "Settle down you two, it seems like the host has something important to tell us." Jack sighed as he tightened his mask. I never really got a good look at the hunters, well now that I have I can tell that they all look incredibly unique, unlike us survivors, they're tall and don't even look like human beings- I assume they aren't. I looked over and saw Yidhra, it looked like she's been sobbing for hours but I couldn't really tell."Yidhra's seekers have gone missing, we're going to postpone the matches until we can find them." "P-Postpone the matches?" Aesop asked. "U-Until we can find them..." she mumbled. "You all must work together." "What the hell? I'm not working with the hunters!" William shouted.
This was all so sudden, working with the hunters... to find a hunter? I never thought  I'd have to do something like this, yet here we are.
"Well, what do we get if we help?" I asked. "Well, you'll get to go out freely." "W-Wait... what do you mean by that?" "If you help, you'll get breaks, in those breaks you will be able to go out into the town."
We looked at each other, this was the biggest opportunity of our lives- kind of. We never have been able to leave the Manor ever since we got in, we want to see the outside, at least I do, but as I looked around I could tell everyone else was feeling the same thing. 
"Why not, it'll probably get boring without matches anyways," Eli spoke up.
"Yeah! I'm in!" Robbie exclaimed. "Anyone else?" The host asked us. It took some time but we ended up all agreeing.

This is gonna be one hell of a ride.

Authors note!

i hope u guys will enjoy it! 
I might not updatetet a loTTTTTTTTTTT but ill try

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