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Tennoritsu Academy was nothing short of a beautiful school, Iori couldn't lie

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Tennoritsu Academy was nothing short of a beautiful school, Iori couldn't lie. With classrooms that looked out over the ocean and palm trees sprinkled about, it looked more like a resort than it did a high school.

For the most part, the school was pretty empty today. A lot of people opted to go visit family on their day off, and as a result, the only students on campus were dressed in pajamas and studying in random places.

Today was a big day for Iori. After receiving her acceptance letter at the tail-end of August, she also received the date—which was today—she'd come on campus to meet her roommate. Her name was Akaboshi Tsuru, and, apparently, she hadn't had a roommate since she started at the school her first year.

"As we come up to the dorms, you'll see that the cafeteria is right next to them. A lot of our students end up forgetting to eat dinner, so it's open pretty much all night," her tour guide explained. Her step-mom, who was more than excited to be there, launched into another question, leaving Iori's mind to wander.

The past two months had flown by. Iori spent more time in the newspaper clubroom than she did anywhere else, often taking her semi-daily quota of photos and then removing herself from the  boys' volleyball gym promptly.

She'd grown quite close with Kita, who, surprisingly, had a real passion for rice farming (and his grandmother). Suna had also befriended her, which was honestly quite surprising, seeing as he had never seemed to like having her around.

On the other hand, she'd pretty much blocked the Miya twins out of her life. After Watanabe moved around their class' seating, Iori ended up next to Kogane in the opposite corner of the room. Osamu, like he usually did, seemed to get the memo that she didn't want him around.

Nishinoya Yuu had become more apparent in their life, and a vast majority of her weekends were spent interacting with the Karasuno second years. Funnily enough, before she'd received the acceptance letter from Tennoritsu, she'd talked to her biological mom about going to Karasuno.

The idea was dropped after the letter arrived, but Iori was still a bit tempted to go.

"So, your wing of dorms is the advanced-student wing, and most of the students here are either on scholarship―like you, thanks to your outstanding placement-test scores―or have been receiving extremely high grades during your time here," the tour guide explained, putting in a code at the door. The door beeped, signaling that it had been unlocked, and they walked in.

"As you know, Tennoritsu is an all-girls' academy, so you don't have to worry about accidentally walking into the boys' section of the dorms," the tour guide continued, pressing the up button on the other thing. "Another fun thing―the third-years get to choose a pet to have on their floor,  so you'll be one of the lucky few who will only know Tennoritsu as pet-owning."

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