Another yandere?!

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Warnings: Swear words and very weird things will happen. Video on top is completely unrelated, I just put it there for your entertainment.
Shintarou's POV
I put on my cloak and put up my hood. I took my or the knife underneath the bed. I turned off Pepper and Mr Honda before leaving. I looked outside only to see nothing but people talking to each other in Gion's room. I was about to sneak out until I heard a " be careful " from Livio and a " Don't get blood in here as well as a body. " from Gion. How did they-?! Nevermind, I'm just gonna leave. I snuck outside carefully and successfully got out. I took my knife before running towards a dark alleyway. I predict that she would come past here, which makes it easier for me to kill her.

I was wrong.

Just a minute ago, I was preparing to kill her and now I am fighting with her with a katana in hand instead. You might be wondering, what the f*ck just happened and where the f*ck did I get a katana? Well, this is what happened:
I saw her coming my way and quickly prepared. She walk into the alleyway and I quickly swing my knife towards her. She blocked it and swung her dagger at me. I dodged it before running into one of the halls in the abandoned school. I pulled out my katana ( gotta thank Junta for teaching me how to hide my katana ) and run towards her. Her dagger was switched to a sword. We start fighting with our weapons. Her fighting skills are very fast. And it leads to now. I have a few cuts here and there but she just has a few scratches and that's when I realise that she is damn strong, then again she's quite fast and agile. One wrong move and I'm gonna die.
Charles POV ( yay new POV )
I was going out to see where Shintarou was going since I knew he was sneaking out every single night. I followed him to a dark alleyway until I was blocked by a bunch people walking around but lucky for me I caught up with a certain blue hair boy running towards an abandoned school hall. I caught up to him only to see him fighting a brunette girl. I looked at Shintarou's arm and see it littered in cuts whereas the girl wasn't, instead, she was littered with a few tear on her clothing. I realise that the whole fight was getting real intense until I heard a soft ' Woah ' behind me. I turned around only to see Leon behind me, his face lit up with awe. I, scared, shocked and terrified, asked- no, yelled at him. " What are you doing here?! " " What? You thought just because you can sneak around like no one knows about it means I can't do it too? " " No, but- I thought- you- I thought you were asleep! You always fall asleep at 10 o' clock sharp! " I blurted out. He chuckled and turned to look back at them fighting again before saying " Do you take me for an idiot? " " No but I didn't expect you to notice " He smiled. Then we heard the girl yell something, then Shintarou too. Leon was blushing but I have no idea. I asked him ( again ) " What did they say? " " You didn't hear it? " " Nope! " " Angelica told Shintarou that he should give up because I would never love him but Shintarou just told her to stop being a bitch and shut up. " He sweared?! Ok......that was odd.  Then, Leon told me that he was gonna stop them. Which is stupid because they were fighting for him. =_= I guess I wish him good luck? I swear for someone as smart as him can be dumb sometimes.
Leon's POV
I quickly ran up to them to stop them. Only to realise that they were fighting for me but eh, I could care less. " Stop it! " I yelled. They all look at me in a surprised way. Angelica threw her sword and act like I didn't know she attack Shintarou and start fake gross sobbing. Ew . Disgusting. I went over to Shintarou and took off my coat before putting it on him. He smiled at me before suddenly collapsing into my arms. I was surprised. I decided to carry him to my room and let him rest there. Charles came over to me and asked what happened. I told him that Shintarou might have fainted in my arms due to exhaustion. At least he's fine. If he's safe, then I happy and relief. 
Hi, I am so sorry for not uploading this story as much as before. I had a writer block for a whole month. Gee, and I have a lot of work to keep up with so I won't be uploading as much so take this photo as a gift from me to you! :

 Gee, and I have a lot of work to keep up with so I won't be uploading as much so take this photo as a gift from me to you! :

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The picture does not belong to me and I know it isn't Christmas but it just look cute. Okay, peace out!

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