Chapter 45

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Me and Diego got ready for the engagement party. I was so happy for Reagan and Rei, their literally the happiest couple on earth. I love them both so much.
Me and Diego were in the elevator and I didn't know what it was about today but I really just needed him. I still can't believe how I ended up with the most feared man in America. I never imagined my life like this but I can't imagine it anyway else.
"You done staring, volcana?" He smirks.
"I wasn't staring" I roll my eyes.
"Is that droll?" He jokes.
"In your dreams, Romeo" I giggle. He moves over to me and pushes me gently in the corner. 'Space' wasn't a thing Diego knew about. He trapped me in the corner of the elevator and his eyes mirrored mine. He was not up for losing eye contact with me. I look down at the ground and I knew right away that it wouldn't make him happy. In one swift motion, Diego had pulled my face to his and held me against the elevator door. One hand on my face and the other was placed on the wall. I gently put my hands on his waist and pull him a little bit closer. This was the passion, the fear of losing one another and the hunger of having him next to me.
The elevator doors open and we quickly remove ourselves from each other. Diego takes me by the hand and leads me into the restaurant where rei and Reagan were sat. Me and Diego took a seat at the table and Reagan began to squeal excitedly.
"LOOK!" She exclaimed while holding out her hand.

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful.." I smile as I was mesmerised by the shine of the diamond.
"I'm so lucky" Reegan smiles happily and then turns her attention to Rei.
"I'm the lucky one" he smiled back at her.
I was feeling weird today? I don't know what it was...jealousy? I was happy with Diego, definitely. I just don't know why I'm feeling this way.. Reagan is engaged and I'm not. I know in my heart that Diego is going to be the man I marry, There's no doubt about that. It's to early for him to put a ring on my finger, maybe it's not. Come on, emelia. He loves you as much as you love him.
"How is the baby?" Diego asked.
"She's growing fast" Rei replies.
"That's great news" I smile.
"How is your baby coming long, emelia?" Reagan asks.
"It's getting there" I giggle.
"Emelia thinks it a boy" Diego adds.
"That's cute" Reagan smiles.
"I actually felt movements this morning" I confess.
"This early?" Rei said concerned.
"Don't worry, I phoned the doctor and they said it was all okay" I tell them.
"That's great news, Eli" Rei smiles.
Just then my phone rings, it's my brother.
"I'm sorry, I have to take this" I sigh and get up from the table.
"It's okay, we had to get going anyway" Reagan mentioned.
Diego stands up from the table and waves goodbye to Rei as I answer the phone.
"Hey" I say as me and Diego walk out of the restaurant.
"Where are you?" Rodrigo says worried.
"I just left the restaurant..?" I sigh.
"Are you with Diego?" He asked me.
"Yes?" I Say concerned.
"Do you know what he's been planing?" Rodrigo exclaimed.
"W-what..." I say nervously.
"There's contracts all over his office" Rodrigo added.
"And?" I exclaim.
"There all from Luca and Dominique.." my heart sunk..was he working for them?
"What?" My voice trembled.
"Get away from him.. for you own safety" Rodrigo said and I quickly switched my phone off and turned to Diego..
"What is it?" He asked as I walked back slowly..
"Y-you.." my voice trembled as I took another few steps backwards.
"Emelia?" He said worried. I take another few steps back and I trip over. I think I'm going to hit my head but no.. I didn't even hit the ground.
"C-Cole?" I mumble as he helps me up to my feet.
"A-are you Okay?" He asked while my eyesight goes blurry and my legs turn into jelly.
"EMELIA!" Diego screams before I fall back into Coles arms and my eyes shut slowly.
That's all I remember...


Hours later...
We rushed emelia to the hospital after she fell. I was so confused to what had triggered her to faint. I checked her phone and the last call she had was Rodrigo so I called him and told him to come down to the hospital. I was sat outside of Emelia's room as Rodrigo walked up the hall.
"What is going on?" He asked and I stood up angrily.
"That's a question I would like answered" I said annoyed.
"What do you mean?" He questioned.
"After she got off the phone with you she collapsed!" I exclaimed.
"This is not my fault. This is yours!" He raised his voice.
"MY FAULT?!" I shouted.
"You had all those contracts from Dominique and Luca in your office" he confessed.
"They weren't contracts for me! I'm trying to locate that stupid bitch" I sighed Angrily.
"Diego, I am so sorry.." he sighed.
"This is my fault, I should have came to you first" he sighed again before the doctors came out.
"Mr king?" She asked.
"That's me.." I sigh.
"Your wife is stable but she doesn't need to be overwhelmed right now." She paused. "Only one in the room at a time" the doctor mentioned.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked.
"She'll need to take it easy so please, do NOT stress her out" she told me.
"Understood" I sigh and look back at Rodrigo who nods in reassurance. I step into the room and close the door..

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