Augest 12-15th; 7 years ago

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•••••••••••••••••••••••august 12th••••••••••••••••••

Skye rushed out her room when she heard her mother scream out in agonizing pain. MOM?!?!?! She yelled as she ran into Natashas room. Natasha was holding her belly and there was blood on the floor and Natasha had no pants on. What's happening?!?!?! Skye shouted grabbing her hair.

It hurts!!!!! Natasha yelled gripping the sheets. Skye ran over to her mother and put her on the bed. She checked in between her legs and went pale at what she saw. Oh shitaki mushrooms she said and tucked a lick of hair behind her ear. Her maternal instincts kicked in and she stood up. Ok Heres what's gonna happen she said opening Natashas dresser and taking out some black tight shorts.

Skye pinned her hair up and took off her shirt then walked to the bathroom running bath water. Skye took her shirt and put it up against her mother's forehead wiping away sweat.

Your gonna get naked skye said changing into the shorts. EXUSE ME?!?! Natasha yelled as another pain hit her.

"I am not-"

She was cut off by Skye saying "I SAID GET NAKED!!!!!" She then took off her shirt and Skye helped her into the bathroom. The rest of it skye said hands on her hips. Natasha pressed her lips into a thin line and gave skye a scowl as she discarded of the bra and underwear then stepped into the tub.

Skye brought in combat boots, scissors, towels, and a bucket of water with a wash rag in it.

As Natasha screamed out in pain skye got into the bath across from her mother. She propped her mother's legs up and gave her a serious but sympathetic look. I need you to push skye said in a serious voice but Natasha shook her head no with sweat beading down her head and her lips pressed together.

Listen to me, you need to push because if this wasn't serious I wouldn't be sitting in a bathtub in my bra and shorts staring at my naked mother's vagina so I need you to push skye rushed out and Natasha obeyed.

After two minutes of loud yelling the pain was over. Natasha was gripping the side of the bathtub screaming and Skye was staring in the water holding the half the head of her new baby brother or sister. The avengers walked in from the vigorous blizzard outside and heard Natashas screams. They rushed to the bathroom and saw a scary scene.

Skyes hands was covered in blood that went down to her wrists and she was holding a blue and purple bloody crying baby. Natasha was heaving naked while holding onto the side of the bathtub. There was blood on skye, on the wall, on the baby, on the floor, and in the water. Everyone except tony and Steve instantly passed out.

Skye laughed happily and started crying. It's a girl skye said through tears sniffling. She placed the baby on top of a shocked Natasha. Help she said and tony brought her the towel. Ok Mr.Stark hurry up and take the shoe laces out of those combat boots, and Mr.Rogers I need you to sterilize those scissors with that candle NOW!! She shouted in a scary voice and they obeyed.

Ok mom how do you feel? Skye asked her mother touching her forehead. Scared Natasha answered honestly. Tony handed her the shoe laced and she tied them on each side of the umbilical cord which she unwrapped from her sisters neck. Steve handed her the scissors and she cut the cord.

Ok Rogers get them some ice and get them into their beds, Stark get me two towels NOW! Skye ordered and they obeyed. Skye wrapped the baby up in a towel and tony wrapped a shivering Natasha up in a towel the helped her out. Skye took the baby to her room then closed the door and locked it.

The baby was hollering so skye laid her onto her chest and rocked her slowly as she started humming the baby a lullaby.

August 13th
The walls were closing in by the second and Natasha was up, she had no choice. Tell one deep secret or be a new art piece on the walls, those were the rules of this twisted game.

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