Chapter 1: The Airport

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You knew me before I saw you. It was late May, my family and I were leaving for vacation for the whole summer. Your eyes held that look, like you craved me, craved me for very long. Your eyes green, a clear green, looked at me with such intensity, I didn't know anyone could look at me that way. I could feel myself blush a little after looking into your beautiful and powerful eyes for too long.

After a while you looked away, looking almost nervous. Maybe it was the guilt from checking out an obviously younger girl. But you already knew me, didn't you? Your eyes told me I could trust you and at the time I did.

My family never payed much attention to me. Being the middle child, I was usually the one who took care of myself. My father was usually on the phone with work and barely ever took a break, while my mother's attention usually went to my younger brother, Beau and his twin sister, Carrie. They cried during the whole first flight. It had been their first time on an airplane. My older sister, Amy, who just got out of college, brought her current boyfriend along. They were, most of the time, sex on a stick. I needed a break.

When I saw you for the first time, I forgot about why I was so frustrated by my family. Did you know I'd need a break from them? Was that part of your plan? There was something about you that made me feel like I have seen you before. I had kept looking at you to figure out who you were.

I remembered seeing you at the fist airport at home in New York. I remembered seeing you on the first flight. We landed in Moscow. We would then land to our destination in Paris. I saw you sitting at one of the tables around the counter for ordering coffee, as I was walking to get one.

When I got to the counter, I waited in line and ordered my coffee. I could feel you were watching me the entire time. It took me a while, as I was trying to get my money together. Surprisingly they took American money, but all I had left was a hundred dollar bill. The young woman behind the cash register pushed my coffee towards me while I handed her the hundred.

"We can't break hundreds," the young woman told me with a disapproving look on her face. "Do you have anything less?"

"This is all I have left."

The young woman took the coffee back. "You can break this over there," she said, pointing to a cash machine.

As I was turning around, you were suddenly behind me.

"I'll buy this for you," you said with a small smile. Your voice was raspy and low, and you had what sounded like a British accent. I could feel your shoulder right beside me. Your height towered over me. You smelled minty, and you had tattoos everywhere. It was hard for me to look into your eyes for too long.

Before I could figure out what to say, you had already handed the woman the cash. I was still too surprised to thank you for it. Thank you, by the way. You grabbed the cup of coffee back from her. You asked what I wanted in it and I told you one sugar, like how I always fixed it.

You told me to take a seat while you'd do it for me. I had thought about walking to the place where he was sitting earlier, but I hesitated. You knew that was coming. You touched my arm, making it heat up a bit. "It's fine, there's nowhere else to sit anyway," you said, grinning. Then you laughed. It was a beautiful sound, really. "Unless you'd rather sit at the table with the kidnapper looking guy in the corner." But if I would have known better, you were the kidnapper.

I turned my head to look at the man and smiled when he looked up at me. Maybe that was when you did it. I now wish I would have maybe taken a seat next to him or at least go back to find my family. You must have done it fast. Maybe no one noticed because it looked like sugar. I looked back at you. You already had the lid off the coffee cup, and you were walking quickly to the stand. Then I watched as you put the sugar in my coffee, stir it, and put the lid back on. You had your head bent and curls from your dark brown hair were falling over your eyes. You had a mysterious look about you that made me what to know what you were hiding. If I only knew.

I followed you to where you were sitting, and I took a seat across from you. You sat down with two coffees in your hand. You pushed one over to me. I took a taste of it, and it was exactly what I expected it to taste like. Nothing different.

I put my coffee down and took a good look at you. You were truly beautiful, and I was glad I was sitting with the most handsome guy in the coffee shop. I could tell you were years older than I was. Maybe too old. I guess early twenties. When I saw you earlier, I thought you looked younger. More like the older guys in my high school. Now looking at you, I could tell you were already grown into your body. The muscles in your arms and in your stomach, obvious through your plain white t-shirt, you were tan all over, and your face was grown up, showing you looked more of a man.

My thoughts were stopped as you spoke up. You grinned so big, that your eyes were squinting, and you reached your hand out for me to take, "I'm Harry."

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