It's An Inside Joke.

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Before I even opened the door, I knew that Kaya was upset. How, you may ask, did I know about this? Well, as we walked up to the front porch, I thought I heard someone yelling. I obviously thought it couldn't be anyone inside, as that would be way too loud for the boys to handle. It would have to be someone outside, behind the beach house maybe. It made sense, since the shoreline was right there.

But no. It wasn't anyone outside. It was just an exaggarated muffle at first, but as we got closer, I heard an, "Oh, just screw off already Dylan!"

Great. Now I have to keep up the act, make sure the boys don't say anything to give it away, and convince Kaya to keep from kicking us out of the house. I'm so excited. (Note the sarcasm.)

I stopped before walking in, looking at Thomas for help. He put his arm around my shoulders. "It'll be fine," he said before grabbing the door knob. "And if she threatens to kick you out, just tell her it was a joke. Besides, that's exactly what it is- a joke."

"Yeah, I guess," I sighed. "Let's just get it over with."

I opened the door quietly, trying not to be noticed quite yet. We slowly walked into the living room, Thomas's arm still wrapped around me. The attempt to be unseen was a failure, as when we walked into the room, Kaya was lying in Will's arms, surrounded by tissues. Dylan sat next to her, rubbing her arm gently, and Ki Hong had just walked in with a mug of what looked to be hot chocolate.

Apparently, she heard the door open, because as soon as we walked in, she sat up. Standing from the couch, she immediately walked over to us.

But when she reached me, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in to a huge hug. I could see the three boys behind her, gaping in awe at the unexpected gesture. As soon as she pulled away from me, though, she walked over to Thomas. Expecting a hug too, he reached out to pull her in. She quickly but fiercely slapped his arm back down to his side. Then, she slapped him right across the face.

His cheek in his hand, Thomas stared at her with a confused expression on his face. "If you think you're actually going to get a hug from me," Kaya started, "after dragging my best friend off to a hotel three days after our planned vacation that none of you were invited to in the first place, then I have some news for you." She grabbed my arm and dragged me into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. I guess that means that I'm supposed to put on the rest of this act by myself.

"What do you think you were doing?" Kaya questioned me, a completely hurt expression set on her face. "I thought I could trust Thomas, and especially you! After all these years, you decide to go and leave me to screw some boy that you barely even know!"

I had to put my hand to my mouth to conceal my smile. I took a deep breath, and tried out the excuses we had made. "Well, I just thought that he was the right person. I mean, it wasn't an impulse decision, I know what I'm doing!"

"No, that's exactly what that is! An impulse decision! Are you crazy? You could've ruined your whole life!" She threw her hands up in the air, pacing around the room.

She finally sat down on the bed, laying down. "Let's just get one thing straight, Kaya. Okay?"

"Fine. Make your point. But don't think it's going to make anything better."

"Actually," I said as I stood up, "I think I need to say this in front of the boys."

She rolled her eyes, but continued to open the door. As we walked back down the hall, she kept glancing sideways, but never full on at me. Yep. She was mad. Once we finally reached the living room, the boys were all sitting there, talking at once. Kaya cleared her throat, making everyone stop to look at her.

"Okay, well before you say anything, Genevieve, I would like to tell the boys something." She crossed her arms before starting. "I would just like to say that for one, I am very disappointed in you two, she said, referring to me and Thomas.

"Stop right there," I said. She looked at me, appalled. "I think if anyone is being disappointing, it would be either those two," I pointed at Dylan and Ki Hong, "or you."

"What? Why would I be disappointing?" she asked.

"Well, for one thing, you have been grouchy for this whole vacation. It's summer! Lighten up! And another thing. You sent these two poor kids to spy on two innocent people while they go on a harmless date." The more I continued, the farther her jaw seemed to drop. She quickly realized that what we were doing, and she slapped my arm. I started to laugh, "Ow! Stop hitting people!"

"You didn't do what I think you did," Kaya said. Dylan stood quickly.

"That depends," he said, walking over to the two of us. "What do you think we did?"

"I think," she started, "that you decided to go and spend the night in a hotel together, and you," she said, turning to Dylan, "I think lied to my face!"

"Well, not necessarily," he protested. "I lied to you over the phone. So not to your face."

She stood there, a shocked expression on her face. "I can't believe this," she said. "We've been here for a week and you've already stressed me out to my wit's end."

"Hey, that's what you get for ruining a date," I said matter-of-factly. "Next time, we won't be so forgiving."

"So you didn't do anything? At all?" she asked. She hit me again, and then turned to hit Dylan.

"Well, I did beat Dylan at Mario Kart," I said, watching his expression quickly sadden. "That was probably the highlight of the night."

She laughed, almost relieved to be honest, and she put her hand on my shoulder. "Are you kidding me? I almost went home because of this! You almost ruined the whole vacation!"

Needless to say, Kaya forgave us, and we spent the rest of the afternoon laughing it off. It'll probably always be an inside joke for all of us, but for now. we'll just have to keep it as one of our summer memories.

AN: Heyyyyyy jk I got one more chapter before the new year! Well for me anyways. I still have three hours to spare before 2015. So yay!!! I'll probably be spending another year blogging and fangirling about the Maze Runner series once again. (#theyearofthescorch!!!!) HAPPY NEW YEAR'S TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! And I hope you all have a blog filled and a-MAZE-ing 2015! (See what I did??) I'll probably be publishing the Teen Wolf preferences sometime soon, so be on the lookout for it! Thank you all SO MUCH for making the end of my 2014 special! I'll see you all next year, and thanks for reading!

-- Mallory <3

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