Part 1

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I was so nervous because,this is the first day of the Drawing class.i was sitting at the breakfast table and eating the sandwich in quick.
"hurry up,dear!it's nearly 9.u're gonna be late!!" My mom shouted me from the kitchen.
"Khrub!!" I shouted back.
"Son,fighting!no need to nervous,okay?"
My mom encouraged me.
"khrub,mom.gotta go now,bye bye" i waved at my mom.
"Take care!" She waved at me and said.I smiled at my mom.
i walked to the Drawing's not far from our home so,i just walk there.
...(at drawing class)
The class wasn't starting,it was the right time to encouraged myself.
{Yes!!no need to nervous!i'm really really love drawing so,i have to try hard!} I said it in my mind.
"What's up,Tommy?" Someone's hand on my shoulder.i trembled.
"Oh,Toy!u attend this class?" I said. "yup,i'm interst in this" said Toy. "And where's your phi Mark?" I teased. "Hey..he's not mine!by the way,this is my friend,Jimmy" said Toy.
omg!!he was so tall and bigger than me..he was so handsome!!the hell am i thinkin?!
"Hi,i'm Jimmy" the taller greeted himself.
"I'm Tommy." I greeted myself back.he smiled. "U're cute" what?!!me??cute?!
He was such a jerk! "what are u saying,jerk?!" I said angrily."Hey,stop it..guys!" Toy interrupted us.he smirked.
"Everyone,please sit down!" The teacher said. "Can i sit behind u?" Asked that Jerk!come on,why is he doing this?!
"Imm..but,don't annoy me!" I said.he nodded and smiled.
I started drawing a picture.someone laughed at me from my back while,i was drawing.i turned around and looked at the one who was laughing at me.
It was really him!!THAT JERK!!why was he laughing at me?!
"What are u laughing at?!" I asked annoyingly. "Umm..nothing khrub!" Bruh..i just shooked my head and turned around and continued my drawing.

The drawing class was finish.i put my things in my backpack and went to the door.
"By the way,i was laughing at your drawing,My Tommy." I said and shut the door.
"What?!FUCK YOUR TOMMY!!" He shouted.i can still hear his voice from the outside.
I giggled.And went home..smiling.
{You're so cute na,Tommy.such a baby.}
I said it in my mind and giggled again.
"Why are u giggling,Jimmy?" King and Ram asked me. "Oh..nothing." i said and smiled at them. "Okay.." they said and shrruged.


i was on my way home with earphones..listening to the song 'why r u' by mean band.
Suddenly,someone dropped my earphones.
"Hey!" I said and looked at the person who was just dropped my earphones.
"Phi mark?!please Give me back na,phi" I said and get my earphones from him.he gave it to me easily.
When i got my earphones back,i ran away from him quickly.sigh!!


i was talking with Ram.he's kinda cute though..eating his food and talking with me..
"u're cute na.." i murmured. "hmm..what did u say?" Ram asked me while,the sandwich was in his mouth.Did i just say that out loud?
"Nothing..i said finish your food..we have to go home" i lied. "Imm.." he said and continued eating.


i was driving to the shopping mall to go shopping with my boyfriend,Kim.he was so tired because,he was working all day..yesterday.he was falling asleep beside me,like a babie and he said that he wanna go shopping and he just fell asleep in car.
Acually,i don't like crowded places like him..i like him..i love being with him..
We already decided to married..that was decided by our parents.i think he don't love me but, he always give time to me even..while,he's really busy with his work.he also kissed me on my lips or my cheeks.we knew each other well since,high school.and we already have many problems with layla,my ex-girlfriend and soda,Kim's ex-girlfriend.i was in love with Kim since,i saw him.let's say it was 'love at first sight'.i love him.
I smiled brightly at the one who was sleeping.

Author's note:
The next part is JimmyTommy, ZeeSaint and WayKim.pls vote,comment and share your thoughts to this story☺️

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