Part 2

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Why Jimmy said to me like that.we are not even close friends and he is teasing me!!
I just messed up with my head with many questions.So,i shouted so loudly.
"What happened?!" Said my mom worriedly. "Nothing,mom" i said. "Imm..what are u doing?" asked mom. " doing homework,mom."" the way,what do u wanna drink?milo?milk?" Asked mom. "Milo,please" i said. "Yeah,got it!" Mom said and shut the door.
it's already night at half past mom already went to bed and now,i'm gonna check my instagram.
When i opened my phone,i saw a notification.
'jimmy.jimmoi followed u' what the heck?!why did he followed me?!!that JERK!!Why are u doing this?!
So,i'm gonna check his acc.
While i was checking his account,i saw one of his post.he was singing,wearing beach style.
u're cute,Jimmy.Your lips are so thick and red.i wanna kiss it!......the f*** i'm thinking?!No,u hate Jimmy!!let's sleep now..
I fell asleep well at that night.
it's already the next day in the morning at 8.
"I make your favourite fried egg and tuna sandwiches.Oh,i forgot to put Milo there.." mom said. "it's okay,mom.i'll take it by myself." I said. "By the way your Dad will come tomorrow so, skip the class" mom,i can't skip it! "Mom!i can't skip it!" I said. "U have to""mom..i can meet dad at 3!" I said. "Okay,then.." mom agreed.
I was already at the drawing class sitting down at my seat,playing games with my phone.
"Hey..u're not changing till now.." said somone..I turned around and looked at the person who said it. "Saint?" I said. " u doing during these days?" Asked Saint.we haven't meet for over 10 years since,i changed high school. "Nothing though.." i said. "Nothing has changed so,i think..u do have a girlfriend or boyfriend" what?!boyfriend?!i'm not GAY! "no..i'm SINGLE""oh..but,i do got a boyfriend..Phi Zee" i know Phi Zee.Saint and He were enemies but,now..whaaat? "Whaat?u two are together??" i asked with my mouth open. "Yeah..we're together" he smirked. "everyone,pls sit down..can we start a new lesson?" The teacher interuppted our conversation. "Okay..see u later na,Tommy!" He said and went to his seat.
Jimmy was already sitting behind me and gazing at me. "Are u not gonna listen to what teacher say?" I asked him,squinted my eyes.He blinked his eyes and nodded quickly. Why was he gazing at me?!
The class is over and everyone already went home.i was finished putting things in my backpack but,i didn't leave the class.i don't know why i was gazing at someone by standing.that person was so was...Jimmy..
Suddenly,somone called me on my was Toy.

"Hello khrub,Tommy.pls come to the Village cafe.i have something to tell u really important..see u there!"

he just ended the call.i haven't tell anything yet!
So,i have to go to the Village cafe.
I arrived there and now,i alredy sat down at the seat.
"What's so important?" I asked. "Pls don't mad at me.i think,i have to tell u and i think,u should know that." He said. "Jimmy is in love with u..he told me before,i haven't greet u with him.he said he saw u since,in high school..when..u was in Grade-8.he've been keeping his feelings for u since,then.." he added. "Whaaaaaaaaat?Jimmy love me?!!" I half shouted.i was so shocked,at that time and i was speechless. "I-i go home.i a-already pay for our lunch.b-bye!" I said in awe and leave Toy alone at the Cafe.
It's already night and there was still so many questions spinning aroung my head.
i can't believe it till now!why the handsome guy like Jimmy loves me?!it's impossible!i can't understand..
I cried in my mind.

"Kim~" Said a voice. "Are u not sleeping?it's already 12 pm." Added the person. "I have work,Way." Said another person. "If u're not sleeping,i'm gonna suck your lips hardly" said Way,smirking. "Agh!Way,pls..don't bothered me!" Said Kim. "your work is more important than me,huh?" Way asked and leave Kim alone.but,Kim shut his computer and followed Way so quietly.When they went to their bedroom,Kim jumped into Way's body and Way held his laps.Kim bit Way's neck harshly. "Oyy!it hurts,Kim." Said Way. "U're more important than my work,Hubby..don't ever said that agian!..let's sleep now though" Kim just went to the bed and already fell asleep.they sleep really well.Way hugged Kim and Kim hugged Way.

"Phi Zee..are u okay?are u crying?" Asked Saint,his left hand was on Zee's back.Zee was sitting at the couch and he was covering his face with his hands. "I'm fired" Zee said.Saint just shooked his head and hugged Zee tightly. "no need to cry,Phi..i'm still working at the bakery so,we still have our own money.." Saint said and patted Zee's back again.

Author's note:

I'm so srry for my grammer errors and srry for not writing a lot about the other couples.i don't have so many ideas of the other couples.pls vote,comment and share your thoughts.

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