Part 5

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the next day..

the drawing class was already finish and the time was already half past three and i wasn't knowing where to go..i was just waiting Jimmy..because,he said he wanna go to the Cinema with me and he told me to wait!,i kept waiting him at the drawing class and it've been half past 3 and he wasn't telling me everything or coming here and picked me up!
Suddenly,my phone rang.i took out my phone and looked who was calling me.Jimmy for sure!
        'I've been waiting for u for a long time!it's already half past three!!did u just forget about what u said?!"
          "I'm sorry,Tommy..i forgot to told u that we're gonna go to the Cinema at 9pm and i didn't forget about what i said,Nong khrub..9pm na,Tommy..To the Cinema at 9pm and i already told u that and don't fell asleep na..i think,u just forgot that khrub..bye na,Nong.Have to go somewhere!"
He said and ended the call.Wait, did he just said about what time will we go to the Cinema?i'm just a fool!
I went to my home and drank Milo and ate some Chocolate and i took a nap as well.


I rang the bell..i was at Tommy's home and it was already 9pm!
Suddenly,Tommy opened the door.he was wearing white long-sleeved shirt and black shorts.So cute in my eyes!
"Are u ready?" i asked. "Im.." he replied me back in a sleepy tone. " are u gonna go there like this?" I asked. "yup,this is my (YAWN) style..(YAWN)" He replied and he just Yawn.Cute,cute,CUTE!i wanna gigle at his Yawn but,i didn't.
"Oh..babe,u're sleepy.." i said and carried him. "Hoie!!" He shouted.I smiled ears to ears at him. And he beamed at me.
We were at the Cinema,now..

"Wanna buy some snacks?" I asked the smaller person beside me..let me say he's three years old babie..that's why he's so small,i think..
"Imm..i'm too hungry so,i'll buy the snacks and u go buy the tickets" Tommy said and he already went to the snacks shop..i was gazing at his small back till he went to the snacks shop.then,i went to the tickets station as well.i bought the couple seat so,My Nong can lean on my shoulder..
The movie was already start.

"Oh..i know this one.i've been watch the trailer....." Tommy kept saying so many words.i kept thinking about 'should i just shut his mouth with mine?'

Finally,i just pressed his lips with mine.i stopped what i was doing and Tommy just looked away and blushed for sure!
"I'm sorry,Nong..i didn't mean to-""forget about that!" Tommy said and gazed at the movie. "Are u mad at me?" I asked. "I said forget about that!" He didn't even looked at my face and replied me back.he shouldn't do this to the older..but,he's a three years old babie so..he don't know about this..i just smiled at him and Suddenly,i saw someone who i didn't wish to see here. Perth,my younger sister.i just sighed.
"What are u doing here?" I asked Perth but,Tommy looked at me with big round eyes.Cute!
"Hanging out with my friends, this making u feel annoying?" Perth asked me back. "Who is her,Phi?" Tommy asked me with puppy eyes. "My sister,Perth.." i greeted. "oh..i think,i'm just bothering,bye!" Perth said and went to where her friends was. "By the way,i ship u with him..phi!!" Perth shouted me from a far. "Hmp!" Tommy said and hit me with his small little soft hands. "Hoie..what happened?" I asked."U called her here,right?!" He asked. "No..sorry na,My little babie khrub" i said him in gentle tone. "The fuck your little Tommy!" He cursed me and he gazed at the movie again with his pouty lips.CUTE!!I smiled brightly at him and i also gazed at the movie.
The movie was already finish and we were now at Tommy's home.My babie was falling asleep and i didn't dare to wake him up.he was such a beautiful angel and i suddenly stroked his hair gently and touched his left cheek softly. "U're so soft na.." i murmured.his cheeks were just like the marshmellows..more softer than marshmellows.
"(YAWN)" a sound came from Tommy and i went back to Reality..and i also blink my eyes and i act normal.
"Oh..we're at home!" Tommy said and he opened the car's door.Suddenly,he kissed my right cheek and went outside. "Will u sleep with me this night?" He asked me. "" he maked puppy eyes. " okay,okay" Stop making those puppy eyes!!u're killing me with your cuteness!!
he beamed at me and pulled me inside of his house and now,we're at Tommy's room.
I think,this is the right time to confess him about what i acually wanna DO with him.
"Are u ready for it?" I asked Tommy. "Hmm..""the kiss?" I said and went near to Tommy.

Author's note:
the next chapter is kind of smut..not smut but..a little.i'm just 12 so,pls be honest at my writings.,comment and share your thoughts..also share this story to your friends!
Btw,follow me on insta..@mii2_karnsittichok

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