In Which Hitoshi Gets Surprise Visitors

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It was an average start to an average morning. Hitoshi's eyes opened slowly, fluttering a couple of times. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and went to have breakfast with Sakura. She talked excitedly to him about the book she was reading, and he listened intently.

The two headed to class, hoisting makeshift bookbags onto their shoulders. The schoolhouse was a small, old-fashioned building located on the property down a small stone path from the back door. Trees in the yard sloped over the shambling shack that functioned as a classroom, and kids of the same grade as Shinsou and Sakura piled into the building. They did all of their work and at the end of class, they stayed in the yard, Sakura climbing around in a tree as Hitoshi sat under it.

The day started out normally. As the normalness of it was settling in like ripples in a lake, there was a splash, and the waters of his life forever changed with one simple sentence.

"Hitoshi Shinsou, there's someone here to see you."

Confused, Hitoshi was directed into a room different from where visits normally took place. This room looked very similar, with a couch on one side and a chair on the other, but there was a table between the two. The other door opened, and he saw two people file in that he recognized with a shock.

Hitoshi's heartbeat quickened in his chest, blood pounding in his ears. Was that who he thought it was? Why were they here to see him? What was special about him? They'd never even met before. How could they be here--?

Realization struck him, and his shock intensified.

Pro heroes Eraserhead and Present Mic were looking to adopt, and he was a candidate.

Hitoshi was feeling many things, but he was mostly confused. Instead of standing in the doorway looking starstruck, he opted to sit in a chair and look starstruck at a closer distance. Pro heroes Eraserhead and Present Mic were considering adopting him.

On one hand, Hitoshi was thrilled. Even the slight possibility of the couple adopting him made him giddy. He could have parents again, and another chance at a normal life. He'd go to school and make new friends, and he might even be able to go to the same school as Midoriya. Not to mention the fact that he would also be the son of two of his favourite pro heroes of all time.

However, he would also have to leave Sakura. He could visit, of course, but he'd miss her like crazy. And it would feel like he was fully abandoning his past life. Even now, his past lingered, its scent still strong in his nose. The life he lived now felt like residing in the ashes of what once was- but at least there were ashes, and he could see the remnants of the fire. If he left, he would have to leave behind the crumbled dust of the old him. He didn't know if he could do it- abandon his mother like that, get brand new parents and leave her behind.

He raised his head to meet their eyes and said in the etiquette the orphanage had had him rehearse, "Nice to meet you. I'm Hitoshi Shinsou."

Eraserhead gave him a soft look as Present Mic introduced them. "I'm Hizashi Yamada, and this is-"

"Shouta Aizawa," Hitoshi said before slapping a hand over his mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm just a big Eraserhead fan."

Aizawa smiles a bit at this. "Not many people recognize me without the glasses and scarf."

Yamada cuts in. "I'm assuming you've already guessed the reason behind our visit, but we're looking into adopting. We've done some research and asked a lot about the different kids in this orphanage and both of us felt really drawn to you."

Hitoshi didn't know what to say. He'd assumed that this was why he was called in, but he was reeling from his suspicions being confirmed. "Oh." What an eloquent speech, I'm sure they're very impressed.

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